lovac42 / Fanfare

Addon: Gamification, feedback, and reinforcement
GNU General Public License v3.0
8 stars 4 forks source link

Problem with Fanfare in combination with other audios #11

Open lio3 opened 4 years ago

lio3 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I already posted this on the Anki side, because I couldnt find this forum here. Now I found it, so sorrry for that...

I really love this addon, it's exactly what I was missing to make anki to a "real" vocabulary lern-system.

Unfortunately I have a small problem with it, which stopps me at the moment from using the addon.

I am also using the addon AwesomeTTS to get read vocabularys read out loud. Normaly the audio starts automatically after opening the card. But with this addon, I only hear the fanfare sound, and the out-reading of the vocabulary gets blocked. As this is not a problem with the audio on the back of the cards, I guess its because of the overlapping of the fanfare sound and the AwesomeTTS sounds. I already tried to shorten the fanfare sounds to a minimum and even to disable the fanfare sounds in your settings (so I only have the pictures left). But still the automatic out-reading of the vocabularys is blocked. Is this a known problem and is there anything I can do to solve it?

I would be very thankful about your thoughts! :)

lovac42 commented 4 years ago

That should not be a problem as fanfare uses it's own audio player. Unless your OS doesn't support it, then it defaults to anki's player.

Which OS and anki version are you using? I am no longer supporting this for newer versions of anki due to all the changes made, as noted here: https://github.com/lovac42/Fanfare/releases

lio3 commented 4 years ago

I am using Windows 10 and anki 2.1.22. As I just started with Anki I guess its one of the newest versions.

In the link you sended, you're writting to support 2.1.22. Is this code in the link also the one I downloaded from the anki site? Or would it be worth it to deinstall the addon and use the files from your link?

lovac42 commented 4 years ago

Try the files from the link first. I use this version on win10 with awesometts everyday.

lio3 commented 4 years ago

Hmm, I deinstalled the old version and installed the new one. And the addon still blocks the awesome tts audio on the FrontCard. It's strange as you are using the same Os and the same other addon without problems.... Do you also use anki 2.1.22? Do you maybe have any other ideas what I could try to solve this? Thank you