lovac42 / PushParadox

Addon: Sibling Cardistry
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add option to Bury the 'Older' sibling ( the one which is being studied) when it is time to Unbury the Youngster. #1

Closed dedu6ka closed 5 years ago

dedu6ka commented 5 years ago

Distinguish the terms 'Siblings' and 'Related cards'. This is a perfect time to formulate the difference between these terms; they are in the Manual but not the definitions. For me, the siblings are cards to be learned independently from each other; the Related cards - to be learned one right after another. When i learn a Language, i stay with the Passive card for a few reps. Then i suspend it and unbury the sibling. The rational is -- if i now the Production card, i will most likely know the Recognition card; i don't want the Recognition card to clutter the deck; i move it to "Archive" deck.
Does it appeal to you ? Would you add this option?

lovac42 commented 5 years ago

Siblings are cards that came from the same note. They have the same note id and can be tracked. Related cards are a figment of your imagination, but hard to proof. Connecting the dots between related cards is a lot harder then matching note ids.

Reverse-burying siblings, on the other hand is do-able, but gets technical with multi siblings involved. For now, you can just suspend the production card and the sibling will automatically be unburied and reviewed the next day.

In Anki, new cards data are reset once they graduate, so we could enter some pseudo data to force the reviewer to view the card. Say you suspend sibling A, it will trigger the addon and modifies (new card) sibling B's due count. With the due set to 0, the reviewer will pick card B as the next card to be reviewed. And card C, the other sibling, will be buried by this addon.

dedu6ka commented 5 years ago

Related cards are a figment of your imagination .... ..
FWIW, in case you did not see it, quote from the Manual:
"these related cards are called siblings. "
To me they are the same; seeing both terms on your screenshot makes me stop and think ... So i suggested to define them in the way i did:

  • Siblings: do not learn them one after another, without spacing.
  • Related: do not space them apart; dont delay learning; do not bury Related cards.
    Reverse-burying siblings, on the other hand is do-able, but gets technical with 'multi' siblings involved.
    My suggestion relates to Language-like cards only ( the Siblings - in my classification). So, there are only 2 cards.
lovac42 commented 5 years ago

Anki seems to make an effort to distort the terminology (e.g. hard factor, ease bonus). If you're interested in wordings, take it up with DAE.

I believe what you are trying to describe would be similar to the "Swap QA" feature in supermemo?

Swap QA (Shift+Ctrl+S) - swap the question with the answer (as in standard flashcard programs). Usually you need this option to swap questions with answers when you learn bilingual pairs of vocabulary. It is most useful in conjunction with Duplicate element.

That is something I would like to get to as well, but need to think about how to design it on top of Anki.

lovac42 commented 5 years ago

Under what condition would you suspend the passive card? Intervals or learning steps or something else? If you are to program a machine to automate this, what criteria would you use?

lovac42 commented 5 years ago

paging dr. @dedu6ka https://github.com/lovac42/TheRoommateSwitch

dedu6ka commented 5 years ago

The following is from the top of my head. I would like to sleep on it for a day or two and submit some changes and screenshots and more details; and read your comments.
My sugestion relates to Language cards ( can better handle Synonyms with this addon - by eliminating the interference).
The Note type might have three FIelds positioned in the order of decreasing difficulties;
Fields are:

dedu6ka commented 5 years ago

This is the additional info to my previous post:
Edit feb-27:
If a user Reschedules a card, will you treat this as a Regular repetiton?
FYI: Supermemo keeps a lapsed card in relearning state for 3 reps.
Regardless of what Supermemo says, i think the number of GOOD reps should be in the config file.
DELETED this line:
"Of course these Learning stats are to be based on ACTUAL Delays not based on Reps."
End of edit.

lovac42 commented 5 years ago

SM don't use learning steps. It's not even the correct SM terminology, so what were you saying?

Checking retention would not be possible for the intra-day time scale. We would need a different metric to measure those. That could take months or years just testing.

If a user Reschedules a card, will you treat this as a Regular repetiton?

That requires a grade from the user and not the intention of ReMemorize. It could easily be done with some sort of custom ivl addon, but I have no need for those as it distorts the algorithm.

Try to rewrite it in a way that I can better understand you. Keep irrelevant discussions out. Click on edit in the ... menu next to the smiley face.

dedu6ka commented 5 years ago

SM don't use learning steps.

I have said "Learning state" - whatever it is in the SM.

Checking retention would not be possible for the intra-day time scale.

I was not talking about the "intra-day" steps. I am suggesting to track the number of Yes and NO answers for the Graduating interval; that data would tell us whether or not we need to adjust the duration an the number of steps. Should be a walk in the park, right ?

Rescheduling reps

Are you saying that the top 2 Resch reps ( see the table) will not be taken into account when making a determination about Suspending+Unbury?

......................... Date | T | R | Ivl.. | IntDate |........ Ease 2019-02-27@18:10 | Resch | 0 | 22d | 2019-03-21 | 240 2018-12-30@15:36 | Resch | 0 |.. 6d | 2019-01-05 | 240 2018-12-25@20:20 | Rev.... | 1 | ..4d | 2018-12-29 | 240
An edited text is a messy looking; do you mind if i delete it and make a new post ?

dedu6ka commented 5 years ago

My suggestion relates to Language cards.
I would suspend the Card-1 'after' a certain number of Good reps in the row - in Review status.
Tag the suspended cards "Buried" - because there might be other susp cards.
The Last Good ( or Easy) rep will be a Scheduled rep; so we should not count it because we may fail it.
But we still need to save it in the History table - to reflect it in the Retention chart, the least.
The BuryLimit should be in the config file, a default BuryLimit = 5 looks good.
If a card is too easy. we should have the option to suspend it at will. If a card is too hard, we need to 'postpone' the bury ( default number of extra reps in the config file ).
OVERDUE cards. If i fail to recall an overdue card, i will reschedule it; it will be registered as the '0' type
in the History table. This rep should not be counted at all, i think.
User should know when a card is overdue ( there is an addon which flashes a screen "OVERDUE card").
In addition to that, there is an addon which shows the Overdue amount The addon description will tell the user what actions are available if a card is overdue. ..
To ensure the high level of retention for the Graduation interval,
we have to have a good learning-steps-sequence, one that ensures 95-98% success rate for the Grad ivl.
Can you track it ? Even a Table in the Options would do; or
Modify the Glutanimate's "True retention by interval" addon. or
In Anki graph, add another chart "Graduating ivl" ; or
In Anki graph, add chart "Step2 step3 Graduating ivl" chart would be the best.

lovac42 commented 5 years ago

I will look over what you said again when I have time. Have you tried the addon? https://github.com/lovac42/TheRoommateSwitch

It already does most of these except for tagging and automation. So after swapping the sibling card, you have to manually suspend or bury the current card or grade it, which will be logged. The sibling will then show up as the next review.

As for overdue and retention, I think I understand the gist of what you want from this. I have been using something similar, but it won't be shared as open source any time soon. So I'm not including those code in this project. It is a good idea though.

dedu6ka commented 5 years ago

Error message on loading:

lovac42 commented 5 years ago

Sorry I assumed you know how to install these. Setup a zip: https://github.com/lovac42/TheRoommateSwitch/releases/tag/v0.1.1b

If you don't know how to unzip, I will ban you. Seriously.

dedu6ka commented 5 years ago

Go ahead, make your day :-) I don't do unzipping for living.