lovasoa / SQLpage

SQL-only webapp builder, empowering data analysts to build websites and applications quickly
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styling the content in the text component by adding id_div parameter #367

Closed amrutadotorg closed 1 month ago

amrutadotorg commented 1 month ago

Hi, based on my limited knowledge, there is currently no way to style the text component based on the provided parameter ID. What would you think of adding an id_div parameter? That way, we could use it like this:


#headline2 strong {
    background-color: #4fc3f7;
    font-weight: bold;


    'text' AS component,
    'headline2' AS id_div;


{{~#if title~}}
    <h1 id="{{id}}" class="mt-3 {{#if center}}text-center{{/if}}">{{title}}</h1>
    {{#if id}}
        <a id="{{id}}"></a>
{{~#if contents_md~}}
    <div class="remove-bottom-margin">{{{markdown contents_md}}}</div>
{{~#if id_div~}}
    <div id="{{id_div}}">
<p class="{{#if center}}mx-auto{{/if}}">
        {{~#if break~}}</p><p>{{~/if~}}
        {{~#if link~}}
        <a href="{{link}}">{{#delay}}</a>{{/delay}}
        {{~#if code~}}
        <span class="
            {{~#if color}}text-{{color}} {{/if~}}
            {{~#if bold}}fw-bold {{/if~}}
            {{~#if italics}}fst-italic {{/if~}}
            {{~#if underline}}text-decoration-underline {{/if~}}
            {{~#if size}}fs-{{minus 7 size}} {{/if~}}
        {{~#if contents_md~}}
            {{{markdown contents_md}}}
{{~#if id_div~}}
lovasoa commented 1 month ago

Hi ! You can use the next-sibling combinator in css. Example: https://jsfiddle.net/d0zt52xb/

#my-paragraph + div strong {
  background-color: yellow;
lovasoa commented 1 month ago

By the way, are you sure you want to use a simple text element to represent your search results ?

Maybe it would be better to display them using the list component, and use description_md to highlight the relevant excerpts from your articles in your search results ?

amrutadotorg commented 1 month ago

Thank you. The list component was very useful.