Dezoomify is a web application to download zoomable images from museum websites, image galleries, and map viewers. Many different zoomable image technologies are supported.
Oops, we have a problem
An error occured while trying to dezoomify your image. This is probably because dezoomify did not manage to find a zoomable image at the address you gave.
Site name and desciption
What is the name and the URL of the site you would like dezoomify to support ?
The site goes by at least three names: University of Washington Libraries; Mirador; Archives West; Orbis Cascade Alliance
Index page with multiple images:
Each zoomable image appears on two different pages e.g.:
Example URLs
see above
Current error message
Oops, we have a problem An error occured while trying to dezoomify your image. This is probably because dezoomify did not manage to find a zoomable image at the address you gave.