love2d / love

LÖVE is an awesome 2D game framework for Lua.
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Loading of encrypted love files - closed source code. #1285

Closed slime73 closed 5 years ago

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original report by Ef (Bitbucket: triangle345, GitHub: triangle345).

I know for many years users have asked how to create closed source games. Whether it be for profit , anti cheat, intellectual property or whatever; they deserve to optional security.

I know some ideas from love2d community regarding this topic are:

Now there is no 100% full proof remedy for reverse engineering lua code or even binary files, however you can make it damn hard; so that 99% of people trying would quit.

Lua's easy interpolation with C allows it to do just that. We can create custom loaders for lua (e.g table.insert(package.loaders, 2, load)) to handle encrypted love2d files. The key would be hidden away within love2d itself. When the love2d game is about to execute we read and parse all these encrypted lua files into memory; un-encrypting them and loading them into lua VM via the custom loader I mentioned previously.

We can create a simple "packager" that encrypts every file and stores this key; thus making the level to entry in recovering the user's hard work; non trivial.

I've been looking at the love2d code base a bit and i have some ideas where things might go but thought I would propose this idea to see what people think or if anyone wants to take a jab at it?

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Mi 28 (Bitbucket: rcoaxil, ).

I will just reiterate key points everyone worth their salt would bring up in this type of threads:

0) Open source doesn't precludes commercial sale of the software
1) Closed source doesn't stops piracy
2) Closed source doesn't prevents ripoffs from existing
3) Closed source doesn't makes it harder to cheat in the game

You can sell open source software. The only thing different from closed source selling process is that you also provide source code along with the finished product, or anywhere really, it doesn't matter.

If you have anything worth protecting, protect it legally. Use copyrights for assets and patents for software. Otherwise, if anyone gets their hands on it somehow, then you're shit out of luck. You're betting on people not caring enough to go all the way to do it. In other words, you're trying to protect something not worth protecting. If people aren't willing to tear through your game to rip out its contents to start with, what makes you think it's a good idea to invest time and effort into stopping them from it?

People have been very successful in creating ripoffs over the years without any access to source materials. Having such access wouldn't make it any easier. In fact, if it was a direct copy and paste job, it would be a no-brainer to sue the offender into extinction because it would be piss easy to prove it's a copyrighted software and/or assets.

Existence of software such as Cheat Engine and ArtMoney makes the cheating point completely moot. And that's not to mention more sophisticated tools that can go as far as to monkey-patch the game to execute arbitrary code. Cheaters don't even need to have access to the binaries, it's enough that the game is loaded into computer memory and running.

Now regarding your suggestion, there's a reason why encrypted files don't have their own encryption key in any sort of vicinity. That sort of protection will never work. Also, if we go by your numbers, then if your game is only owned by 1000 people, there should be about 10 people savvy enough to dig right right past all protection it and upload everything online. Now consider how many sold units warrant cracking full-on DRM, and how little sold units don't warrant bothering with using it because impact of it getting compromised would be insignificant anyway.

Finally, I'd like to address this basic misunderstanding:
high degree of code obfuscation is not a desired property of conventional video game binaries, it's a byproduct of the way they are produced. Machine code is naturally not very readable, but that is not a feature, that's a problem that has to be sidestepped through use of compilers. As you should know, in heyday of assembly, x86 family processors greatly increased amount of instructions just so it was easier for humans to read and write assembly - not the opposite way. Today, many games opt in scripted languages despite them being pretty much source code in plain sight, leaving to the C++ side only the heavy lifting within the engine. You do not need to follow the unspoken cargo cult, as you do not need to rationalize all the quirks you may encounter as something meaningful or helpful.

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Gabe Stilez (Bitbucket: z0r8, ).

I wrote up a gigantic block of text as my answer, but Raidho more or less said the same things i wanted to point out, and even more.

But to add a bit more to it, you talk about hiding stuff within Löve; but since it is an open-source project (at the very least in the fact that the source code is there for all to see), so there's nothing you could "hide" inside it in the way you'd want to; especially not a key to some magical encryption or obfuscative (totally a legit word) algorithm/function.

If you want to do something like this, then that's your perogative, of course; feel free to load in C libraries, use the FFI to munge data and functions, and specifically addressing your last point with server authentication, implement that in a solely singleplayer game, to appease the likes of Ibusoft and AE, that people already loathe for such shenanigans. :3

Also, just to point out something, server-side data verification for multiplayer games tend to not compute too much stuff there, only logic related things; client sends server input, server sends client good data, like position, etc. Your comparison would mean that the server would need to actually render each viewport, and stream the graphics and sound to each client, as an extreme example.

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Gabe Stilez (Bitbucket: z0r8, ).

I think i will paste my block of text after all, since i believe i also tackled this point of view in it... may be wrong though, still, should be an interesting read. :3 I also edited it since when i wrote it, i was a bit more salty, as Raidho put it, than i am now, so hopefully it won't feel personal, because it's really not.

Deserve is an interesting word you chose to use here. Let me offer some rebuttals, in the form of a /short/ novel:


     result = first
     result = third - 53
     second = second + first + 22
     first = result + 31
     result = (first - second + 53) * second

...and the above is most certainly wrong, and i did that on purpose; sane people don't shoot themselves in the foot like this... and there are plenty of instane devs out there still, who do. :3

Now on to your idea:

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Bart van Strien (Bitbucket: bartbes, GitHub: bartbes).

Regardless of whether you'd want to encrypt your game or not, I don't feel like love (the project, not the binary) is the appropriate place to do so.

For such a packager to work the key needs to be stored in a known location, i.e. you can extract it from there and decode. And basically any solution suffers from the same problem.

Worse, since love is first and foremost a program that wants to run lua code, what prevents me from writing an unencrypted lua file that uses your custom loader to get the bytecode of the encrypted (then decrypted) files? Do you then also need code signing? And what enforces that? Can I bypass it by injecting code that calls the lua API directly?

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Ef (Bitbucket: triangle345, GitHub: triangle345).

So just in case we need it I found an example of Love replacing the loader:



    // The love loaders should be tried after package.preload.
    love::luax_register_searcher(L, loader, 2);
    love::luax_register_searcher(L, extloader, 3);
slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Alex Szpakowski (Bitbucket: slime73, GitHub: slime73).

LÖVE doesn't remove any of Lua's own loaders, they're still there and if you use require it will still try them if LÖVE's loaders fail to find a file.

You can add your own or remove existing loaders without ever touching LÖVE's source code (inside a plain Lua file or inside a C dll loaded with Lua, if you want) FWIW.

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Ef (Bitbucket: triangle345, GitHub: triangle345).

Do you guys want this functionality for Love? It doesn't sound like people are overly enthusiastic about this.

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Mi 28 (Bitbucket: rcoaxil, ).

You did mention that other engines have basically zilch worth of technology and features in that department. You think that's for a reason?

You brought up a house analogy, in which you missed the point. I'll bring up a different analogy, more to the point:

You have a house, and you want people to use that house. But also you don't want strangers to barge in and take photos so you lock it up. And since people need to be able use the house, you leave the key hanging on a nail by the door. That highlights the core problem with this sort of approach. It just won't protect anything.

Lastly, it's not that there are reasons not to attempt this. It's that there's no reason to do so. On top of being meaningless to start with, it's not even technically feasible and will accomplish nothing.

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by J.W (Bitbucket: jakwings, GitHub: jakwings).

The "high-barrier" idea is good, either for anti-cheat or anti-copycat (not anti-copyright-infridgement), or just for hiding your crappy code :P Adding to the house analogy: you cook for the guests but you don't want them to know your recipe; you invite your friends but only allow them to play in the living room. (Do you want to see Dwarf Fortress open-sourced? The authors say NO.)

I can feel the hostility of some people here, and I think @triangle345 just wants to add this optional feature. Those who are really enthusiastic about open-source can just ignore this funtionality. So my first question is: does this project force any OS ideology upon game developers? Or do you think this feature will place a big burden on this project?

Edit: fix grammar

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Gabe Stilez (Bitbucket: z0r8, ).

@jakwings Löve using lua is already "high-barrier" enough in terms of anti-cheat; i feel like i should use the FFI /more/ just because C variables would retain their memory locations, unlike those in the lua part of the code.

Anti-copycat can't be avoided either, since they'll rip off the mechanics at a glance, or at the worst, your assets; "they" don't need your code.

As for your analogy, your guests are actually 6-year-old shits who won't listen to you, and would rather break everything including the kitchen sink in your house.

By the way, i don't think anyone was hostile, just that the opinions were expressed pretty bluntly; nor that the project forces any kind of ideologies... i mean, even Unity which is more of an engine for commercial releases, doesn't have this kind of thing in it, for reasons detailed above; If @triangle345 wants to obfuscate/encrypt, they're free to do so on the lua side, it won't be better or worse than making the Löve devs integrate it on the C++ side.

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by J.W (Bitbucket: jakwings, GitHub: jakwings).

@z0r8 If I can just unpack the package and seach for some keywords in the script, that is not enough.

I understand all your points about "useless encryption", but you just over-simplified the matter. So I threw out Dwarf Fortress for example (it has been there for years but yet no one makes an excellent similar game, not to mentioned other big commercial games). Everyone should have his/her choice to accomplish some purposes, at least before the game is fully hacked.

Anti-copycat can't be avoided either, since they'll rip off the mechanics at a glance, or at the worst, your assets; "they" don't need your code.

That depends on what type of game you are developing, and how much you can copy, and who plays your game. Only a glance cannot give you all the details of the mechanism. How many years do you need to master the ideas? Are you afraid of being acused of plagiarist in the community? Will that affect the ecosystem badly (regards to innovation and economy)?

As for your analogy, your guests are actually 6-year-old shits who won't listen to you, and would rather break everything including the kitchen sink in your house.

It is interesting to see what they can do. There are so many games in the world, and how many are hacked into the core? How many Dwarf Fortress clones do you see? What if my game is only for a small circle and I just don't want to share the source code?

If people keep oversimplifying this idea, no doubt I would wonder whether some OS guys are preaching here.

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Alex Szpakowski (Bitbucket: slime73, GitHub: slime73).

I threw out Dwarf Fortress for example (it has been there for years but yet no one makes an excellent similar game, not to mentioned other big commercial games). Everyone should have his/her choice to accomplish some purposes, at least before the game is fully hacked.

Most game code is fairly useless without the broader context of the rest of the game. Clones don't usually clone code, just a (perhaps modified) version of the idea. Dwarf Fortress is notorious for being very tough for new players to get into, which is why you don't see many direct clones, not due to source code readability. There are many DF-inspired games which have more accessible UX. And many addons which make its UX more accessible.

To me, this sort of idea just gives a false sense of security while adding a burden to myself (a LÖVE developer). I don't think it actually does anything really useful. I speak from experience in the open source community, experience as a solo indie commercial developer, and experience from within a team at an 80-person game development studio.

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Ef (Bitbucket: triangle345, GitHub: triangle345).

To me, this sort of idea just gives a false sense of security while adding a burden to myself (a LÖVE developer)

Isnt all security just obscurity. Yes given enough time, any security context can be cracked. AES gives a pretty good sense of security but eventually it can be cracked. MD5 collisions are now easier than ever to create. Everything is relative.

Dwarf fortress is insanely popular. However I guarantee you that if it were written in javascript no obfuscation we would see a lot more mods for it. In particular, graphic mods. And extensions, things that extend the base game.

The kind of security that @slime73 and others want is not achievable without extreme amounts of work. I'm proposing a simple idea that would make it a magnitude better for security conscious people to sleep at night.

And no one was hostile, dont worry. I fully understand that hardcore open source advocates will hate this idea. But forcing people to use open source is just as bad as forcing people to use proprietary. People want different rewards, people gotta eat, who knows the reasons. Let the developers choose what they want for their game.

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by J.W (Bitbucket: jakwings, GitHub: jakwings).

I must apologize. Sincerely, I hope this will end the lengthy discussion about "false sense of security".

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Gabe Stilez (Bitbucket: z0r8, ).

@triangle345 :

Isnt all security just obscurity.

Not at all; AES, or more precisely, all cryptographical algorithms under the "AES" moniker are well-known, what guarantees security is the fact that the key sizes are big enough, and that those are the only things you don't share with anyone. There's also Public-key Cryptography, which can be also useful; neither of these techniques are obscure.

Also, MD5 and SHA-1 (now also cracked) are hash functions, you can't get back the original data from them, so they're kinda pointless in our source code encryption discussion.

Obscure would be me doing weird undisclosed stuff on bytes or words of data, mirroring chunks, flipping bits, etc. You don't know the algorithm for what i'm doing.

That said, for both AES/Pub-key and my obscure method, you (that is to say, the client) need a key (or the algorithm itself, in the case of the last one), in order to un-encrypt/un-obscure the code, so it can be executed.

Dwarf Fortress is, as was said before, also insanely complex, for what it is. Let me give you another example, Notch obfuscated variables in minecraft, which was written in java. It didn't stop people from creating modding APIs (plural) over time, and even on the forums, people tend to refer to code snippets with the variable names still obfuscated, since they literally grew accustomed to reading it that way.

The kind of security that Alex Szpakowski and others want is not achievable without extreme amounts of work. I'm proposing a simple idea that would make it a magnitude better for security conscious people to sleep at night.

Don't take this one too personally, but to me, the above read like this: "Real security measures are too hard, but implementing something that has no real world use-case other than letting uninformed people sleep better at night would be worth it."

@jakwings : Calling people "Hardcore Open-Source Advocates" is a bit unjustified... and besides, no one's forcing you to do anything. Also, do explain what you find wrong with "false sense of security"? Implementing something that doesn't help with security is like that, i don't see the reason for the quotes.

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by J.W (Bitbucket: jakwings, GitHub: jakwings).

@z0r8 Note: I just said "really enthusiastic", not "hardcore". And I apologize for impatiently mislabeling just for the lenthy discussion around the oversimplified matter.

and besides, no one's forcing you to do anything. … Implementing something that doesn't help with security is like that, i don't see the reason for the quotes.

I know, I just want to make it clear if the project members can support this idea. But before that I also want to point out the oversimplification in your opinions. Do you mean "no encryption is perfect so no need to do that"? And I just need "high-barrier to modify/copy the game", not absolute security. We have different needs.

Also, do explain what you find wrong with "false sense of security"?

The DF game is an obvious example. Not just because it is complicated. If you don't get the source code, you just continue to do some dirty hack. Even if @slime73 don't feel like close-source protection, the effect is "real" to the normal players/hackers. No matter how imperfect the game looks, you cannot change much.

Notch obfuscated variables in minecraft, which was written in java. It didn't stop people from creating modding APIs (plural) over time, and even on the forums, people tend to refer to code snippets with the variable names still obfuscated, since they literally grew accustomed to reading it that way.

So can you explain the case for DF? Just because Java is easier to hack? Aside from games, there are all kinds of softwares without that complexity. You may change some bytes but never get the source code, that's all about it.

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Mi 28 (Bitbucket: rcoaxil, ).

I will bring up again the

false sense of security

Emphasis on "false". None of these measures, nor any concievable ones, will actually improve security. The only "benefit" is that you can feel that it's secure when it actually isn't. With same exact results, you can simply pretend that it's secure when it actually isn't.

Save your game on flash drive and sink it in holy water, that'll make a better protection than any software methods.


No matter how imperfect the game looks, you cannot change much.

How is that a good thing. How permanently poor implementation is a good thing. How complete lack of modding support is a good thing. How reduced sales due to poor implementation and lack of modding support is a good thing. Just how. That doesn't makes any god damn sense. And so is the whole idea of obfuscating and encrypting game content.

The only place where this might hold any weight is inside of DRM engine, but even then one can argue that you don't need DRM to start with because it's the same type of feelgood useless thing as content access prevention.

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by J.W (Bitbucket: jakwings, GitHub: jakwings).

How is that a good thing. How permanently poor implementation is a good thing. How complete lack of modding support is a good thing. How reduced sales due to poor implementation and lack of modding support is a good thing. Just how. That doesn't makes any god damn sense. And so is the whole idea of obfuscating and encrypting game content.

@rcoaxil Unless you can hack any game to any form you like, those are your sour grapes. My emphasis (and @triangle345's) is just intended to set high barrier, now you ask for some holy reasons for not open-sourcing the game? That's weird.

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Ef (Bitbucket: triangle345, GitHub: triangle345).

what i'm talking about has nothing to do with game play, game implementation or even performance. I'm talking about a new feature for LOVE that few engines have. GoDot has script encryption and people use it. Unity does not. This will set us apart from the pack even having a feature like this. The fact that it is encrypted will already turn 90% of people off from hacking/cheating/cracking. The fact that the key is in some random memory location will turn off another 5 percent. The next 5 percent you can simply ban from servers/account ban if multiplayer

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Gabe Stilez (Bitbucket: z0r8, ).


Apologies, my last post with the "hardcore open-source advocates" was meant for @triangle345, not you.

. But before that I also want to point out the oversimplification in your opinions.

I don't feel like i oversimplified things, then again, that's subjective.

Do you mean "no encryption is perfect so no need to do that"? And I just need "high-barrier to modify/copy the game", not absolute security. We have different needs.

I meant that the kind of encryption both of you want is either not of use for any reason, and can be done on the lua side, resulting in the exact same amount of protection than if it was implemented in löve itself.

The DF game is an obvious example. Not just because it is complicated. If you don't get the source code, you just continue to do some dirty hack. Even if Alex Szpakowski don't feel like close-source protection, the effect is "real" to the normal players/hackers. No matter how imperfect the game looks, you cannot change much.

I'm feeling like there's at least two issues going on here in paralell; one would be regulating hacked clients in multiplayer, and the other being a way to not even allow people to touch the client itself.

Again, for multiplayer games, you do server-side checks; that's the only way to ensure that modified clients won't pollute the multiplayer experience; for singleplayer, you shouldn't care at all.


what i'm talking about has nothing to do with game play, game implementation or even performance. I'm talking about a new feature for LOVE that few engines have. GoDot has script encryption and people use it. Unity does not. This will set us apart from the pack even having a feature like this.

As was previously stated, maybe there's a good reason why Unity and the like don't have it. And as was previously stated, people stealing your code should be the least of your concerns.

The fact that it is encrypted will already turn 90% of people off from hacking/cheating/cracking. The fact that the key is in some random memory location will turn off another 5 percent. The next 5 percent you can simply ban from servers/account ban if multiplayer

Okay, so now you're talking about 1. hacking, which means modifying the client, which has no repercussions on the multiplayer parts, since the server should be authoritative, as i already said; 2. cheating, which the previous point covers, and again, you should not care if people cheat in single player... it's already hard to use CheatEngine with löve because it uses lua, which again, is something i already said; 3. cracking - not sure if you mean like, copy protection here, like those older games had, e.g. Red Alert 2, that needed a "CD key" for it to work; those can again, be implemented in lua if you'd prefer, though nowadays, you could just give out a loader, and if the server accepts whatever key you give your buyer, it will download the actual game... and if it doesn't, it won't download anything.

The next 5% is moot, since if the client is already decompiled by hackers (it needs to be unencrypted at the execution stage anyway), the memory location can be found easily.

Finally, that last 5% will include one person who will write a quick and dirty unencrypter that will work 100% of the time, making all this effort basically worthless, as it was stated before.

tl;dr: The best you can do is to give people loaders, that require a key to download the actual game; Use authoritative servers to filter out people with modified clients.

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Ef (Bitbucket: triangle345, GitHub: triangle345).

I'm not sure how a loader that downloads the game will verify the client is legit? They can simply spoof the tcp/ip connection to be a fake loader. They can simply dump all the traffic out and analyze it. If it is encrypted and written in lua, this traffic can also be dumped out from lua.

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Alex Szpakowski (Bitbucket: slime73, GitHub: slime73).

LÖVE will not implement DRM for you. I believe you can use Steamworks to do that on PC.

For networked multiplayer games, you need your server-side code to verify that any data the client is sending is legit. It's not the client's responsibility.

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by J.W (Bitbucket: jakwings, GitHub: jakwings).

Ok, if you think Encryption = DRM (yeah, DRM includes encryption), then I have nothing to oppose. I just mean "high barrier", regardless of copyright infringement. I don't think Love2D developers want to call the lawyer on my behalf.

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Alex Szpakowski (Bitbucket: slime73, GitHub: slime73).

My DRM comment was in response to comments about CD Keys and such.

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by J.W (Bitbucket: jakwings, GitHub: jakwings).

Just to make it clear you don't misuse the word "DRM". From what @triangle345 said, I think encryption is an important part for the client, though it seems that he only wants to apply this technique to online games.

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Alex Szpakowski (Bitbucket: slime73, GitHub: slime73).

The fact that it is encrypted will already turn 90% of people off from hacking/cheating/cracking. The fact that the key is in some random memory location will turn off another 5 percent.

You don't need to use the key to decrypt it, you only need to modify things just enough to get the program to output the decrypted source code. From there it might be trivial to load your own arbitrary raw code. (for example, modifying a string filepath in the executable file to point to a slightly different location may allow you to bootstrap your own Lua code which the game will execute. Said code may change the game's own code in order to get it to output its own source after decryption).

I have done this before in a real commercial networked multiplayer game. If you are a developer patting yourself on the back for having 'encryption' in the client and a malicious user does such a thing, the only thing that will prevent other users' online experiences from being ruined is if you have server-side verification and protection against invalid data sent by a client.

Your game is not secure at all if you use encryption that allows what I described above.

If you have a non-networked game there's not much to worry about because the only experience that can be ruined is the hacker's own experience, therefore modification of singleplayer game state is not very harmful and trying to prevent it is not a particularly good investment of LÖVE's development resources.

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Ef (Bitbucket: triangle345, GitHub: triangle345).

Well i think the consensus is negative towards the file encryption proposal. Im in favor of closing this if you guys are ok with that.

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Mi 28 (Bitbucket: rcoaxil, ).

I know a few ways to implement such encryption, with cracking difficulty ranging from trivial to jawbreaking, and so can @slime73 no doubt. I'm arguing against it because I'm being intellectually honest. I will say upfront that no asset protection will stop anyone industrious enough to dig into the package, and once it's compromised it might as well never been there.

I can, and maybe even will, implement something like that. But it will not be the great solution to developers' woes, because it is always crackable. Simply letting such feature exist however would be a deliberate dishonesty to LÖVE users. Because it implies such ideas that simply do not connect with reality, and cognitive bias will make people ignore all statements about its inherent weakness. It will only lead to delusions at best, and dissatisfaction with the engine at worst.

And besides, I don't want to encourage people to clam up and decay over their precious assets like some greedy villain. I want to encourage people to be free and open, to tinker and improve other's work and better their own selves.

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Bart van Strien (Bitbucket: bartbes, GitHub: bartbes).

Anyway, if there was an inbuilt method you could easily enable by writing a key somewhere (as was suggested), then the location of the key would have to be known. Which means anyone can extract it from the same place. And of course that's provided it's easy to build such a tool in the first place.

If you want to be able to hide your key somewhere, odds are you'll have to recompile love anyway. And at that point you may as well build (or find) the protection solution that fits your exact security model. In a sense the "safest" solution is to have a non-stock love, as defeating your protection could entail more than decrypting it and running it on a stock love build.

It's not really a priority for me, but if someone wants to build a good solution and upstream it, I'd definitely consider it. And a good solution wouldn't be an XOR, and probably not even AES. I think the best solution for use cases like these is asymmetric encryption, as you also get "free" code signing and it's harder to modify the game even after decryption, since you might have to re-encrypt it, yet the encryption key doesn't need to be distributed.

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Mi 28 (Bitbucket: rcoaxil, ).

One very basic approach is to make it encrypt the .love package with the key hidden within the same package. The LÖVE app will know where to find the key but it will be impossible to open the package otherwise. It will run on any LÖVE executable with appropriate functionality. Another basic approach is something similar to what Godot is doing, a compiler-supplied key that produces a game-specific executable only work with the package encrypted with the same key. It has a downside of having to manually compile the LÖVE app for every platform, chances are you will not be assed to support anything but Windows even though bare .love package can run on any OS. The distinction between the two method is key location, one contains key in package and the other in executable, both are equally easy (difficult) to crack, so security-wise there's no difference, but second method is clearly more cumbersome to use. Other "more sophisticated" methods are usually the variants of above, they are not harder to crack.

I'd yet again would like to state that encrypting content is probably not a very good idea anyway. Maybe you'll take argument from authority: navigate to your Steam games folder, browse contents of any game. You'd normally find game content packaged, but not encrypted. Chances are content is not even packaged, and is simply stored as raw files. Which is to say, professional game studios big and small don't use game content encryption. If these people think content theft is not of any concern, maybe you should too.

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Mi 28 (Bitbucket: rcoaxil, ).

@bartbes I do not readily see how asymmetric encryption would work in any advantageous way over symmetric encryption. You still need a decryption-capable key stored in direct vicinity of encrypted file.

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Bart van Strien (Bitbucket: bartbes, GitHub: bartbes).

I do not readily see how asymmetric encryption would work in any advantageous way over symmetric encryption. You still need a decryption-capable key stored in direct vicinity of encrypted file.

Yes, but you cannot re-encrypt. Of course if someone can decrypt your game and run on stock love that won't help you. An additional benefit is that you get code signing pretty much for free.

One very basic approach is to make it encrypt the .love package with the key hidden within the same package. The LÖVE app will know where to find the key but it will be impossible to open the package otherwise.

How would love know where to find it, without having other software (or even a modified love version) also able to find it? And do you mean the contents of a .love, or the .love itself? Because in the latter case.. isn't the key encrypted? And it also becomes very difficult to implement.

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Mi 28 (Bitbucket: rcoaxil, ).

@bartbes I simply mean that key is inserted somewhere in cyphertext. Of course you cannot decrypt a cyphertext with a key that was inside plaintext and is now inaccessible. I know it's not truly secure but neither is Denuvo.

Also, should it even matter if even a simple XOR is used? Shouldn't it be impervious to cryptographic attacks since it's the single instance of cyphertext encrypted with this particular key to exist and would-be attacker has no means of delivering attack anyhow?

@triangle345 Not sure I follow your quesiton. But the idea is that you'll produce same .love packages, except they're encrypted and thus cannot be simply renamed to .zip and opened.

slime73 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Mi 28 (Bitbucket: rcoaxil, ).

It's to the tee identical to what's already discussed.