lovell / sharp

High performance Node.js image processing, the fastest module to resize JPEG, PNG, WebP, AVIF and TIFF images. Uses the libvips library.
Apache License 2.0
28.9k stars 1.29k forks source link

Enhancement: add support for libvips compiled with support for Radiance #3544

Open sb55555 opened 1 year ago

sb55555 commented 1 year ago

System: OS: Linux 5.15 Amazon Linux 2 CPU: (8) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8650U CPU @ 1.90GHz Memory: 7.44 GB / 15.53 GB Container: Yes Shell: 4.2.46 - /bin/bash Binaries: Node: 16.18.1 - /var/lang/bin/node npm: 8.19.2 - /var/lang/bin/npm npmPackages: sharp: ^0.31.3 => 0.31.3

What are the steps to reproduce?


'use strict';

const sharp = require('sharp');
const util = require('util');

const run = async () => {
  console.log('sharp.format', util.inspect(sharp.format, false, null, true));
  console.log('sharp.versions', util.inspect(sharp.versions, false, null, true));
  console.log('sharp.vendor', util.inspect(sharp.vendor, false, null, true));

  // perform the resize operation
  const buffer = await sharp('vestibule_4k.hdr')
    .resize(256, 256)


Run the below Dockerfile with docker build -t dev-lambda . --progress plain --no-cache


FROM amazon/aws-lambda-nodejs:16
# FROM amazonlinux:2

ARG BUILD_DIR="/var/build"
ARG FUNCTION_DIR="/var/task"

  yum -q -y groupinstall "Development Tools"

  yum -q -y install \
    nano \
    cmake3 \
    wget \
    gobject-introspection-devel \
    glib2-devel \
    expat-devel \
    orc-devel \
    lcms2-devel \
    libexif-devel \
    libgsf-devel \
    libjpeg-turbo-devel \
    libpng-devel \
    giflib-devel \
    libwebp-devel \
    fftw-devel \
    libtiff-devel \
    ImageMagick-devel \
  && ln -s /usr/bin/cmake3 /usr/bin/cmake

  pip3 install \
    meson \

# Install awscli
RUN curl "" -o "" -s
RUN unzip -q
RUN ./aws/install

# Create build directory
RUN mkdir -p ${BUILD_DIR}

  cd ${BUILD_DIR} \
  && wget${VERSION_VIPS}.tar.gz \
  && tar xf v${VERSION_VIPS}.tar.gz

  cd ${BUILD_DIR}/libvips-${VERSION_VIPS} \
  && meson setup build-dir \
      --buildtype=release \
      -Dexamples=false \
  && cd build-dir \
  && ninja \
  && ninja install \
  && ln -s /usr/local/lib64/ /usr/lib64/ \
  && ln -s /usr/local/lib64/ /usr/lib64/

# Create function directory
RUN mkdir -p ${FUNCTION_DIR}

# Copy handler function

RUN cd ${FUNCTION_DIR} && npm init -f -y \
     && PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib64/pkgconfig npm install --verbose --foreground-scripts sharp aws-sdk

CMD [ "index.handler" ]

What is the expected behaviour?

With a custom build of libvips that enables Rad (Radiance HDR), I expect sharp to be able to resize .hdr files.

Libvips installs says that Radiance HDR is enabled

13 12.96 enable RAD load/save : YES

#13 12.96 vips 8.14.1
#13 12.96 
#13 12.96   Build options
#13 12.96     enable debug                      : NO
#13 12.96     enable deprecated                 : YES
#13 12.96     enable modules                    : YES
#13 12.96     enable gtk-doc                    : NO
#13 12.96     enable doxygen                    : NO
#13 12.96     enable introspection              : YES
#13 12.96     enable examples                   : NO
#13 12.96     enable cplusplus                  : YES
#13 12.96     enable RAD load/save              : YES
#13 12.96     enable Analyze7 load/save         : YES
#13 12.96     enable PPM load/save              : YES
#13 12.96     enable GIF load                   : YES
#13 12.96 
#13 12.96   Optional external packages
#13 12.96     use fftw for FFTs                 : YES
#13 12.96     accelerate loops with ORC         : YES
#13 12.96     ICC profile support with lcms     : YES
#13 12.96     zlib                              : YES
#13 12.96     text rendering with pangocairo    : NO
#13 12.96     font file support with fontconfig : NO
#13 12.96     EXIF metadata support with libexif: YES
#13 14.19 
#13 14.19   External image format libraries
#13 14.19     JPEG load/save with libjpeg       : YES
#13 14.19     JXL load/save with libjxl         : NO (dynamic module: NO)
#13 14.19     JPEG2000 load/save with OpenJPEG  : NO
#13 14.19     PNG load/save with libspng        : NO
#13 14.19     PNG load/save with libpng         : YES
#13 14.19     selected quantisation package     : none
#13 14.19     TIFF load/save with libtiff       : YES
#13 14.19     image pyramid save with libgsf    : YES
#13 14.19     HEIC/AVIF load/save with libheif  : NO (dynamic module: NO)
#13 14.19     WebP load/save with libwebp       : NO
#13 14.19     PDF load with PDFium              : NO
#13 14.19     PDF load with poppler-glib        : NO (dynamic module: NO)
#13 14.19     SVG load with librsvg             : NO
#13 14.19     EXR load with OpenEXR             : NO
#13 14.19     OpenSlide load                    : NO (dynamic module: NO)
#13 14.19     Matlab load with libmatio         : NO
#13 14.19     NIfTI load/save with niftiio      : NO
#13 14.19     FITS load/save with cfitsio       : NO
#13 14.19     GIF save with cgif                : NO
#13 14.19     selected Magick package           : MagickCore (dynamic module: YES)
#13 14.19     Magick API version                : magick6
#13 14.19     Magick load                       : YES
#13 14.19     Magick save                       : YES
#13 14.19 
#13 14.19   User defined options
#13 14.19     buildtype                         : release
#13 14.19     examples                          : false
#13 14.19 

sharp build from source says that local libvips is found

#17 10.48 > sharp@0.31.3 install
#17 10.48 > (node install/libvips && node install/dll-copy && prebuild-install) || (node install/can-compile && node-gyp rebuild && node install/dll-copy)
#17 10.48 
#17 10.72 sharp: Detected globally-installed libvips v8.14.1
#17 10.72 sharp: Building from source via node-gyp

Im able to resize a Radiance HDR with vips cmdline

docker run -it --entrypoint "/bin/bash" --rm dev-lambda
vips resize vestibule_4k.hdr vestibule_256.hdr 0.125

but sharp raises an error

node index.js 
bash-4.2# node index.js 
sharp.format {
  jpeg: {
    id: 'jpeg',
    input: {
      file: true,
      buffer: true,
      stream: true,
      fileSuffix: [ '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.jpe' ]
    output: { file: true, buffer: true, stream: true, alias: [ 'jpe', 'jpg' ] }
  png: {
    id: 'png',
    input: { file: true, buffer: true, stream: true, fileSuffix: [ '.png' ] },
    output: { file: true, buffer: true, stream: true }
  webp: {
    id: 'webp',
    input: { file: false, buffer: false, stream: false },
    output: { file: false, buffer: false, stream: false }
  tiff: {
    id: 'tiff',
    input: {
      file: true,
      buffer: true,
      stream: true,
      fileSuffix: [ '.tif', '.tiff' ]
    output: { file: true, buffer: true, stream: true, alias: [ 'tif' ] }
  magick: {
    id: 'magick',
    input: { file: true, buffer: true, stream: true },
    output: { file: true, buffer: true, stream: true }
  openslide: {
    id: 'openslide',
    input: { file: false, buffer: false, stream: false },
    output: { file: false, buffer: false, stream: false }
  dz: {
    id: 'dz',
    input: { file: false, buffer: false, stream: false },
    output: { file: true, buffer: true, stream: true }
  ppm: {
    id: 'ppm',
    input: {
      file: true,
      buffer: false,
      stream: false,
      fileSuffix: [ '.pbm', '.pgm', '.ppm', '.pfm', '.pnm' ]
    output: { file: true, buffer: false, stream: false }
  fits: {
    id: 'fits',
    input: { file: false, buffer: false, stream: false },
    output: { file: false, buffer: false, stream: false }
  gif: {
    id: 'gif',
    input: { file: true, buffer: true, stream: true, fileSuffix: [ '.gif' ] },
    output: { file: false, buffer: false, stream: false }
  svg: {
    id: 'svg',
    input: { file: false, buffer: false, stream: false },
    output: { file: false, buffer: false, stream: false }
  heif: {
    id: 'heif',
    input: { file: false, buffer: false, stream: false },
    output: {
      file: false,
      buffer: false,
      stream: false,
      alias: [ 'avif', 'heic' ]
  pdf: {
    id: 'pdf',
    input: { file: false, buffer: false, stream: false },
    output: { file: false, buffer: false, stream: false }
  vips: {
    id: 'vips',
    input: {
      file: true,
      buffer: false,
      stream: false,
      fileSuffix: [ '.v', '.vips' ]
    output: { file: true, buffer: false, stream: false }
  jp2k: {
    id: 'jp2k',
    input: { file: false, buffer: false, stream: false },
    output: {
      file: false,
      buffer: false,
      stream: false,
      alias: [ 'j2c', 'j2k', 'jp2', 'jpx' ]
  jxl: {
    id: 'jxl',
    input: { file: false, buffer: false, stream: false },
    output: { file: false, buffer: false, stream: false }
  raw: {
    id: 'raw',
    input: { file: false, buffer: true, stream: true },
    output: { file: false, buffer: true, stream: true }
sharp.versions { vips: '8.14.1' }
sharp.vendor { current: 'linux-x64', installed: [] }
            triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */);

[Error: Input file contains unsupported image format]
lovell commented 1 year ago

I don't think the radload feature is supported at present so we'd need to add it.

Happy to accept a PR, if you're able.

The ImageTypeId function and loaderToType map are a couple of places we'd need to do this for Radiance input.

For Radiance output, we would need some custom saving logic; perhaps look at the jp2 code for guidance.