lovelysystems / robotframework-androidlibrary

Robot Framework Automation Library for Android
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Problems with start calabash-android server #24

Closed paweloczadly closed 12 years ago

paweloczadly commented 12 years ago

I try to test my application in different ways and in each case I get different errors:

  1. I try to connect to existing testserver: Connect To Testserver

Error: MissingSchema: Invalid URL u'ping': No schema supplied

  1. Instead of Connect To Testserver I use Start Testserver Start Testserver

Error: ON_RESULT: shortMsg=Process crashed. INSTRUMENTATION_CODE: 0 [ WARN ] Retrying (0 attempts remain) after connection broken by 'BadStatusLine("''",)': / Navigating to Directions | FAIL | ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=34777): Max retries exceeded with url: /

Here is begin of my test case: * Test Cases * Navigating to Directions Connect To Testserver Set Device Url url=http://localhost:34777/ Touch Text Directions

If you can help, I will glad you to help.

memcmp commented 12 years ago

Try it with:

Wait until Keyword Succeeds ... 5min ... 2sec ... Connect to Testserver

instead of Connect to Testserver

paweloczadly commented 12 years ago

Still doesn't work

Here is my test case: * Test Cases * Navigating to Directions Wait until Keyword Succeeds 30sec 2sec Connect to Testserver Set Device Url url=localhost:34777 Touch Text Directions

now, I get the following error: Navigating to Directions | FAIL | Timeout 5 minutes exceeded. The last error was: MissingSchema: Invalid URL u'ping': No schema supplied

paweloczadly commented 12 years ago


I've created second file which starts test server. Now, I start server firstly and then I perform the following test case:

Navigating to Directions Set Device Url http://localhost:34777/ Wait until Keyword Succeeds 1min 30sec Connect To Testserver Click Car Park Booking Click Directions

rajsarodaya commented 11 years ago

Hi Paweł,

Thanks for the shared information. I have followed all the steps which you have mentioned in this discussion thread. Unfortunately I was not able to execute the APIDEMO application which comes with the robotframework-androidLibrary. I am stuck at the keyword - "Start Server with APK / Start server. The former generated error as "works with calabash 0.3.0 version" and the later keyword generated error regarding the keyword being deprecated.

If possible, could you please share the file which you used for starting the test server. Also please mention the version you used for calabash-android, RobotFramework & android library.

