lovinghouston / lwcgoogleplacesbutton

Adds a Lightning Web Component to create Google Place Listings (currently hardcoded to type "church") as a Salesforce object (currently hardcoded to a custom object named Church_School_Partnership__c).
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[Bug] Sometimes 1 Additional CSP is Created (21) #99

Open Julian88Tex opened 4 years ago

Julian88Tex commented 4 years ago

Rarely, an additional church is found in addition to the typical 20 and a CSP is created. The only pattern I've noticed so far is that this additional church is often named similarly to another church found. I suspect there may be something going on with Duplicate Rules finding 2 churches and creating CSPs for both instead of only creating the first match.

Steps to Repo:

  1. Navigate to "NIMITZ H S" (https://lovinghouston--partial.lightning.force.com/lightning/r/Account/0011N00001qzT3qQAE/view)
  2. Click "Find Closest Churches" button (Example call that is made: https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/textsearch/json?location=30.006402,-95.388127&radius=20&type=church&key=)
  3. Navigate to Related List


Expected Result:


Julian88Tex commented 4 years ago

@sungysang Just wanted to alert you to this in case you had a quick take on it. I remember us seeing before but I thought it stopped however it seemed to still be happening. Probably intermittent depending on existing found churches.