lovyan03 / LovyanGFX

SPI LCD graphics library for ESP32 (ESP-IDF/ArduinoESP32) / ESP8266 (ArduinoESP8266) / SAMD51(Seeed ArduinoSAMD51)
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RP2040 and LVGL #218

Closed rcla closed 2 years ago

rcla commented 2 years ago

I have the LVGL v8 example "lv_demo_widgets()" running on an ESP32.

Now I want to test it on a RP2040.

First, I adapted the parameters of the library, to make it compatible with the RP2040. I made a simple program, where I write some text, change the colors and check that it works.

In the code I am not using the touch part of the screen.

In ESP32 it is displayed correctly: LVGL_ESP32

But with the RP2040, it gets to this part and freezes, not responding: LVGL_RP2040

yasuhirok-git commented 2 years ago

I am trying to solve this issue. I need more information. My questions are:

rcla commented 2 years ago

@yasuhirok-git Thank you for your interest and work.

I use Arduino IDE.

I have tried with two options:

With either of these two options, you see the same behavior.

yasuhirok-git commented 2 years ago

@rcla san, thanks for your information. I can not reproduce the problem you found. In my experience, programs on the rp2040 often freeze up because of infinite loops in the exception handler due to alignment violations. After freezing, can you re-write without going into bootloader mode?

rcla commented 2 years ago

After freezing, I can't re-write.

In addition, I have noticed that when freezing, the green led (BUILTIN) stays in an infinite loop blinking:

yasuhirok-git commented 2 years ago


After freezing, I can't re-write.

You provided me with good information. This indicates that your program has encountered a hard fault. I have created a function that displays information when a hard fault occurs. mbed_error.zipmbed_error.zip Add this file to your project, build and run it. This function displays the error message, error code, PC and LR contents on serial monitor. Please provide me with its output and your program(ELF format). I will be analyzing what is happening from those information.

Note that this function works on Mbed environment. Please select "Arduino Mbed OS RP2040 Boards".

About LED blinking:

Mbed-os has the ability to notify using LEDs when an error occurs, Please refer the folloeing URL. https://os.mbed.com/handbook/Debugging#runtime-bugs

rcla commented 2 years ago

I added your mbed_error file. And Mbed environment.

In Serial Monitor it shows: Fault exception 80ff013d 1003628c 100304bf

Attached Program in ELF Format: Program_ELF.zip

yasuhirok-git commented 2 years ago

@rcla san, From the information you provided and the ELF file, I was able to identify where the fault is occurring.

10036214 <_free_r>:
10036214:   b5f8        push    {r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}
10036216:   46ce        mov lr, r9
10036218:   4647        mov r7, r8
1003621a:   0005        movs    r5, r0
1003621c:   b580        push    {r7, lr}
10036284:   42a3        cmp r3, r4
10036286:   d100        bne.n   1003628a <_free_r+0x76>
10036288:   e07f        b.n 1003638a <_free_r+0x176>
1003628a:   68d2        ldr r2, [r2, #12]
1003628c:   60da        str r2, [r3, #12]   <- fault occurred here
1003628e:   6093        str r3, [r2, #8]
10036290:   4643        mov r3, r8

However, the error is occurring in the function _free_r, not in the function within LovyaGFX. Please let me think for a few days about how to resolve this issue.

rcla commented 2 years ago

However, the error is occurring in the function _free_r, not in the function within LovyaGFX. Please let me think for a few days about how to resolve this issue.


Of course.

If you need more information, let me know.

Thanks for your help.

rcla commented 2 years ago


After several tests, I managed to determine that "Fault exception" occurs when calling: lcd.writePixels((lgfx::rgb565_t *)&color_p->full, w * h);

And reviewing the source code Bus_SPI.cpp I find that the "writePixels" procedure also calls "writeBytes" and in both depend on the DMA channel number. if (_dma_ch >= 0) ...

I found that it is defined in the "init": int dma_ch = dma_claim_unused_channel(true); _dma_ch = dma_ch;

So I tried changing it to: int dma_ch = -1; //dma_claim_unused_channel(true);

And now it works! It shows no errors and everything is displayed correctly.

Obviously this is not the solution, but it can help you find the root of the problem.

yasuhirok-git commented 2 years ago

@rcla, Thanks for your detailed information. However, I will not have time to concentrate until the weekend. Please wait for this week end.

rcla commented 2 years ago


Sure, when you can.

yasuhirok-git commented 2 years ago

@rcla, I confirmed that the issue reproduced itself in the newly created environment. And I found the problem and fixed it. Could you try the following fixes to see if they solve your problem?

file: LovyanGFX/src/lgfx/v1/platforms/rp2040/Bus_SPI.cpp original

230       do
231       {
232         len = (limit <= length) ? limit : length;
233         if (limit <= 256) limit <<= 1;
235         auto dmabuf = _flip_buffer.getBuffer(limit * dst_bytes);

fixed code

230       do
231       {
232         if (limit <= 256) limit <<= 1;   // changed
233         len = (limit <= length) ? limit : length;  // changed
235         auto dmabuf = _flip_buffer.getBuffer(limit * dst_bytes);
rcla commented 2 years ago

@rcla, I confirmed that the issue reproduced itself in the newly created environment. And I found the problem and fixed it. Could you try the following fixes to see if they solve your problem?

file: LovyanGFX/src/lgfx/v1/platforms/rp2040/Bus_SPI.cpp original

@yasuhirok-git I confirm that with this change, it is the solution!

Thank you very much for your help.

Before closing this issue, do you plan to add touch support? My screen has the XPT2046 controller, if you need tests, I can gladly do them.