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ERROR: [Board 49-71] The board_part definition was not found for digilentinc.com:nexys4_ddr:part0:1.1. #200

Open nicolast0604 opened 3 years ago

nicolast0604 commented 3 years ago

After modifying the Makefile PATH for vivado, it works for the previous issue but soon have another.

Please help for any hint.

vivado -mode batch -source tcl/run.tcl

** Vivado v2018.3 (64-bit) SW Build 2405991 on Thu Dec 6 23:36:41 MST 2018 IP Build 2404404 on Fri Dec 7 01:43:56 MST 2018 ** Copyright 1986-2018 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-741] No write access right to the local Tcl store at '/home/nicolast0604/.Xilinx/Vivado/2018.3/XilinxTclStore'. XilinxTclStore is reverted to the installation area. If you want to use local Tcl Store, please change the access right and relaunch Vivado. source tcl/run.tcl

set partNumber $::env(XILINX_PART)

set boardName $::env(XILINX_BOARD)

set ipName xlnx_axi_clock_converter

create_project $ipName $::env(BOARD) -force -part $partNumber

set_property board_part $boardName [current_project]

ERROR: [Board 49-71] The board_part definition was not found for digilentinc.com:nexys4_ddr:part0:1.1. The project's board_part property was not set, but the project's part property was set to xc7a100tcsg324-1. Valid board_part values can be retrieved with the 'get_board_parts' Tcl command. Check if board.repoPaths parameter is set and the board_part is installed from the tcl app store. INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting Vivado at Sun Jun 6 21:04:43 2021... ../common.mk:2: recipe for target 'all' failed make[3]: [all] Error 1 make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/nicolast0604/lowrisc-chip-ariane-v0.7/fpga/xilinx/xlnx_axi_clock_converter' Makefile:45: recipe for target 'work-fpga/nexys4_ddr_ariane/xlnx_axi_clock_converter.xci' failed make[2]: [work-fpga/nexys4_ddr_ariane/xlnx_axi_clock_converter.xci] Error 2 make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/nicolast0604/lowrisc-chip-ariane-v0.7/fpga' Makefile:44: recipe for target 'fpga/work-fpga/nexys4_ddr_ariane/ariane_xilinx.mcs' failed make[1]: *** [fpga/work-fpga/nexys4_ddr_ariane/ariane_xilinx.mcs] Error 2 make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/nicolast0604/lowrisc-chip-ariane-v0.7'

nicolast0604 commented 3 years ago

After installed the board_files from diligent, it works.