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Adding a New uart can't boot the system #207

Closed helloworld-zzt closed 2 years ago

helloworld-zzt commented 2 years ago

I am trying to add a new uart to the SOC (ariane-v0.7)with rocket shell. The top module add two logic signal : input logic rx2 , output logic tx2 , and the ariane_peripherals_xilinx module add the uart2 modle. uart_axi #( .AXI_ID_WIDTH ( AxiIdWidth ), .AXI_ADDR_WIDTH ( AxiAddrWidth ), .AXI_DATA_WIDTH ( AxiDataWidth ), .AXI_USER_WIDTH ( AxiUserWidth ), .InclUART ( InclUART ) ) i_uart_axi_UART2 ( .clk_i ( clk_i ), .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), .slave ( master[ariane_soc::UART2] ), .rx_i ( rx2_i ), .tx_o ( tx2_o ), .cts_i ( 1'b0 ), .rts_o ( ), .irq_o ( irq_sources[4] ) //interrupt =<5> in device tree );
In the ariane_soc_pkg.sv, I have added the UART2 typedef enum int unsigned { MOUSE = 0, HID = 1, GPIO = 2, Ethernet = 3, SPI = 4, UART = 5, BOOT = 6, UART2 = 7, //UART2 hyh 12.16 ExtLast = 8 } axi_extio_t; and added "UART2Length = 64'h10000;" , " UART2Base = 64'h4700_0000 " . IN the device tree, I also added uart: uart2@47000000 { compatible = "ns16750"; reg = <0x46000000 0x1000>; clock-frequency = <50000000>; current-speed = <115200>; interrupt-parent = <&L0>; interrupts = <5>; reg-shift = <2>; // regs are spaced on 32 bit boundary reg-io-width = <4>; // only 32-bit access are supported };

that's all i have changed, The question is

  1. for system verilog code of the soc, what I have missed to change, something like parameter used in AXI ?
  2. for booting the linux kernel , should I have to the add something since the original soc has a uart ?

Thanks for your attention.

helloworld-zzt commented 2 years ago

Maybe the rocket core has only 4 interupts.

jrrk2 commented 2 years ago

If I remember rightly, this design already has a second UART for the Bluetooth keyboard/mouse interface. You could use this for your own purposes or copy the functionality. I can’t say why your version doesn’t work, most likely it is an invalid AXI bus transaction.

jrrk2 commented 2 years ago

If you need to expand the number of interrupts in Rocket this has to be done by modifying the Chisel generation scripts.

helloworld-zzt commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your reply. I did an invalid AXI bus transaction. I have corrected the mistake of the AXI BUS, and changed the config of the numbers of interrupts, now it works.