Warning-[SVA-OPTCOV-LMFA] Large memory footprint assertion
../src/lowrisc_prim_alert_0/rtl/prim_alert_receiver.sv, 335
The assertion 'InBandInitSequence_A' has the potential to consume a large
amount of memory.
Please examine the assertion for the use of large or unbounded delays and
Warning-[SVA-OPTCOV-LMFA] Large memory footprint assertion
../src/lowrisc_prim_prim_dom_and_2share_0.1/rtl/prim_dom_and_2share.sv, 106
The assertion 'UnmaskedAndMatched_A' has the potential to consume a large
amount of memory.
Please examine the assertion for the use of large or unbounded delays and
Noticed these when running chip simulations: