lowenware / dotrix

A 3D engine with ECS and Vulkan renderer for Rust developers
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Voxels and SDF #152

Closed QuantumEntangledAndy closed 1 week ago

QuantumEntangledAndy commented 2 years ago

WIP Voxels

This is my in progress voxel implementation.


Future Additions

QuantumEntangledAndy commented 2 years ago

Thought I'd post an update to show how it is currently working.


Not yet

Changes to Core

Here are some of the changes to core that I added to get everything working


(Jerkiness is mostly due to how I am capturing the video)


Lowentwickler commented 2 years ago

I can not compile it with latest rust:

error[E0658]: destructuring assignments are unstable
   --> dotrix_voxel/src/sdf/jump_flood.rs:379:48
379 |                     (ping_buffer, pong_buffer) = (pong_buffer, ping_buffer);
    |                     -------------------------- ^
    |                     |
    |                     cannot assign to this expression
    = note: see issue #71126 <https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/71126> for more information
QuantumEntangledAndy commented 2 years ago

I can not compile it with latest rust:

error[E0658]: destructuring assignments are unstable
   --> dotrix_voxel/src/sdf/jump_flood.rs:379:48
379 |                     (ping_buffer, pong_buffer) = (pong_buffer, ping_buffer);
    |                     -------------------------- ^
    |                     |
    |                     cannot assign to this expression
    = note: see issue #71126 <https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/71126> for more information

Hmm I thought this was now in stable with the merge of this https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/90521

Perhaps I misunderstood. I can probably do it with a three way swap instead but it's not as pretty

QuantumEntangledAndy commented 2 years ago

Destructuring assignments were stabalized on 15 Dec 2021 so perhaps we should bump up our version of stable rust

QuantumEntangledAndy commented 2 years ago

Just to confirm I updated my rust with rustup to current stable stable-x86_64-apple-darwin unchanged - rustc 1.59.0 (9d1b2106e 2022-02-23) and it compiles and runs fine

Lowentwickler commented 2 years ago

Yeah, I had a default setting to 1.57. But now It panics on linux with Intel Iris XE card.

MESA-INTEL: warning: Performance support disabled, consider sysctl dev.i915.perf_stream_paranoid=0

Voxels: [[[0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0]], [[1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]], [[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0]]]
Compute Seed
Compute JumpFlood: n=12, k=8
Compute JumpFlood: n=12, k=4
Compute JumpFlood: n=12, k=2
Compute JumpFlood: n=12, k=1
Compute JumpFlood: n=12, k=1
Compute JumpFlood: n=12, k=2
Compute JumpFlood: n=12, k=4
Compute JumpFlood: n=12, k=8
Compute DF
thread 'main' panicked at 'not implemented', /home/elias/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/naga-0.8.0/src/back/spv/block.rs:347:30
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
QuantumEntangledAndy commented 2 years ago

Interesting it is panicing in naga, might need to see the backtrace to find out what is not implemented.

QuantumEntangledAndy commented 2 years ago

spv/block.rs around line 347 is this

crate::BinaryOperator::Add => match *left_ty_inner {
    crate::TypeInner::Scalar { kind, .. }
    | crate::TypeInner::Vector { kind, .. } => match kind {
        crate::ScalarKind::Float => spirv::Op::FAdd,
        _ => spirv::Op::IAdd,
    _ => unimplemented!(),

Apparently one of the add operations in the shader is not supported, perhaps something is more relaxed on metal when not converting to spv. Do you know which shader file this is? I can try and run naga-cli to cross-compile to spv and trace it down that way.

QuantumEntangledAndy commented 2 years ago

So I ran cargo install naga-cli and then naga my_shader.wgsl my_shader.spv and I can get the same error for the dotrix_voxel/src/sdf/circle_trace/render.wgsl file. The other wgsl's seem fine

QuantumEntangledAndy commented 2 years ago

Perhaps we should add some sort of naga-cli test into the github actions

QuantumEntangledAndy commented 2 years ago

So I commented out lines in the render.wgsl until I found that R = I + sx + sx * sx * (1./(1. + c)); on line 336 is causing issues. Will try to fidn out why

QuantumEntangledAndy commented 2 years ago

It is failing to add mat3x3<f32> with another mat3x3<f32>. This might be an upstream issue

QuantumEntangledAndy commented 2 years ago

Yes here is the upstream issue https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/issues/1527

QuantumEntangledAndy commented 2 years ago

I have a workaround in place

Lowentwickler commented 2 years ago

Great, I can run it now, I will make a review...

QuantumEntangledAndy commented 2 years ago

Sure just remember that it's still wip. I know it needs a clean up and that the light system needs to be tied into the main lights system.

QuantumEntangledAndy commented 2 years ago

Things that I still want to do:

If you can find any high level changes you want that would be more useful then a full review.

QuantumEntangledAndy commented 2 years ago

Yeah I understand I really want to work on this more too but I haven't the time either.

The algorithm at its core is:

Additional algorithms:


Ambient occlusions

QuantumEntangledAndy commented 2 years ago

Here is it with materials now :)


Lowentwickler commented 2 years ago

So cool! Have you though about how this functionality can be used for terrain spitted into chunks with loading/unloading? Meanwhile I've extended Texture module a bit and added possibility to render image and depth buffer to textures in #161. As a result I plan to implement shadows there.

QuantumEntangledAndy commented 2 years ago

Yes I'm going to optimise this as best I can. (Will probably use that render to texture to render shadows and ao in a different pass) Then I'll doing some terrain with it.

There are some bigger hurdles with terrains as the render speed decreases the more rays need to be marched and terrain takes up the whole screen.

When that's working I plan to take on dynamic clouds you can do some great looking clouds with volumetric rendering techniques.