lowercase78 / V2RayN-PRO

GNU General Public License v3.0
491 stars 98 forks source link

Please add the license. #8

Open T1anjiu opened 2 weeks ago

T1anjiu commented 2 weeks ago

As a open-source worker, you should understand the role of open source licenses,and its importance.I hope you can add the original GPL 3.0 license

lowercase78 commented 1 week ago

Done 🙏

Crowbar9319 commented 1 week ago

The GNU General Public License version 3 (GPL-3.0) :

1. Copyleft: It requires that any derivative works or modifications must also be distributed under the same license terms.

2. Source code provision: Distributors must make the source code available to recipients.

3. Tivoization: It includes clauses to prevent "tivoization" (hardware restrictions on modified versions).

T1anjiu commented 1 week ago

The GNU General Public License version 3 (GPL-3.0) :

1. Copyleft: It requires that any derivative works or modifications must also be distributed under the same license terms.

2. Source code provision: Distributors must make the source code available to recipients.

3. Tivoization: It includes clauses to prevent "tivoization" (hardware restrictions on modified versions).

Yes, the source project V2rayN uses GPL-3.0

lowercase78 commented 1 day ago

i have add a link to source project V2rayN in Readme :
