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Getting K3 binary to run properly on Windows #315

Open Tamaya31 opened 1 year ago

Tamaya31 commented 1 year ago

Hello gentlewomen and gentlemen,

I've been trying to get K3 binary to work on Windows, and I'm now stuck with this issue :

ASSERTION_FAILED ([5.5-win]:kaldi::LatticeFasterOnlineDecoderTpl<class fst::Fst<struct fst::ArcTpl<class fst::TropicalWeightTpl > > >::BestPathEnd():decoder\lattice-faster-online-decoder.cc:85) Assertion failed: (this->NumFramesDecoded() > 0 && "You cannot call BestPathEnd if no frames were decoded.")

In order to test this I basically merged the two "if" statements (push-chunk and get-final), and added some code to open a wav file then extract its content into a buffer beforehand.

I've compiled Kaldi with MKL 2022.2.1 (I tried OpenBLAS but got stuck) and OpenFST latest (cad8bcb52fca3bcd8702dbbba8ed9de66a649e78).

Does anyone managed to get K3 binary to work on windows? Or any clue why no frame have been decoded? Or am I missing something?

I can post some of that test case code if that helps.

Thanks in advance.

Tamaya31 commented 1 year ago

The decoded frame number being zero was because of the frame rate expressed in Hz and not kHz, so I was pushing a thousand time more data than required.

But now after calling CompactLatticeToWordProns it doesn't output any words.

Any clue there ? I'll keep searching.