Closed linuxgurugamer closed 2 years ago
Thanks for reporting, it's definitely a bug. Procgov tries to parse the -popupwindow option. I will try to fix it this week.
After checking again, it looks that the following should work:
C:\local\ProcessGoverner\procgov64.exe -m 32G -- KSP_x64.exe -single-instance -popupwindow -adapter 0
Please try it and let me know if it fixes the problem.
Yes it does, thank you.
Might I suggest that you add something to the README about it?
Greatly appreciate your quick response
README updated.
I am trying to use this with a Unity game which is having some issues with memory. I need to be able to pass in some options on the command line, but there doesn't seem to have a way to do that.
For example, the CLI I'm trying to run is:
C:\local\ProcessGoverner\procgov64.exe -m 32G KSP_x64.exe -single-instance -popupwindow -adapter 0
I tried putting quotes around the CLI parmeters for the program, and they were ignored:
C:\local\ProcessGoverner\procgov64.exe -m 32G KSP_x64.exe "-single-instance -popupwindow -adapter 0"
I was able to attach using the pid, but that's awkward to do every time.