lowspace / COMP90024-Project

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Why CouchDB? #2

Open lowspace opened 3 years ago

lowspace commented 3 years ago
lowspace commented 3 years ago

Data storage

  1. application = use tweets = store documents
  2. many documents -> big data
    1. data consistency -> ACID
    2. distributed in a cluster instead of a single node to promote the performance
    3. technologies to optimize the data extraction time.
  3. how to communicate the database -> restful
  4. backup and replication

The application utilizes tweets to do different analysis scenarios, which requires the tweets to have been stored and well-prepared whenever the application needs to refer. Tweets have a standard json file structure proposed by Twitter company, though relational database is able to store the fields of that structure over different tables, a json file including an integral tweet can be fed to NoSQL database. The application employees CouchDB, a free open-source document-oriented NoSQL database, to store data.

Besides the flexible