loyess / Shell

Shadowsocks with plugins one-click installation. e.g. v2ray-plugin, kcptun, simple-obfs, goquiet, cloak, mos-tls-tunnel, rabbit-tcp, simple-tls, gost-plugin, xray-plugin, qtun, gun
783 stars 356 forks source link

New ciphers #101

Closed LexterS999 closed 2 years ago

LexterS999 commented 2 years ago

Check that https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases/tag/v1.5.6 and it's very important to add new ciphers.

loyess commented 2 years ago

ss-rust 对于新加密方式还只是预发布版本,而且 ss-windows 和 ss-android 客户端也没有跟进,等各个平台都有了稳定版本了再说,暂时不考虑。

loyess commented 2 years ago
curl -OL https://github.com/loyess/2022/raw/main/2022script.sh
chmod +x 2022script.sh