lozardo / onlinepaint

online paint im making for a school project
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d #2

Open lozardo opened 5 months ago

lozardo commented 5 months ago

Bottom toolbar

self.bottom_toolbar_height = 40

Calculate space for ID and adjust button positions

self.download_button = Button(self.screen, self.width - 300, self.height - self.bottom_toolbar_height + 10, 100, 20, text='Download', fontSize=15, margin=20, inactiveColour=(255, 255, 255), activeColour=(240, 240, 240), onClick=self.save_picture)

self.save_button = Button(self.screen, self.width - 180, self.height - self.bottom_toolbar_height + 10, 100, 20, text='Save', fontSize=15, margin=20, inactiveColour=(255, 255, 255), activeColour=(240, 240, 240), onClick=self.send_save_action)

self.exit_button = Button(self.screen, self.width - 60, self.height - self.bottom_toolbar_height + 10, 100, 20, text='Exit', fontSize=15, margin=20, inactiveColour=(255, 255, 255), activeColour=(240, 240, 240), onClick=self.exit_whiteboard)

self.ID_button = Button(self.screen, self.width - 785, self.height - self.bottom_toolbar_height + 10, 100, 20, text=f"{self.id}", fontSize=15, margin=20, inactiveColour=(255, 255, 255), activeColour=(240, 240, 240), onClick=lambda: pyperclip.copy(f"{self.id}"))

pygame.draw.circle(self.screen, (255, 255, 255), (600, 500), 1000)

def send_save_action(self): """ Sends a save action to the server. """ message = ("save", '')

Add your code to send the message to the server using socket_help.send_message()

def exit_whiteboard(self): """ Exits the current whiteboard and returns to the whiteboard selection screen. """

Add your code to return to the whiteboard selection screen

# You may need to close the current whiteboard window and open a new dialog/window

while True: events = pygame.event.get() pygame_widgets.update(events) pygame.display.update() for event in events: if event.type == pygame.QUIT: recv_thread.join(1) pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == 1:

Check if clicked on a color button

            for i, color_button in enumerate(self.color_buttons):
                color_button.listen(event)  # Use listen method
                if color_button.clicked:
                self.drawing = True
    elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP:
        self.drawing = False
        self.points = []
    elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
        if self.drawing and event.pos[1] > self.toolbar_height:
            if len(self.points) > 1:
                self.points = [self.points[-1], event.pos]
                self.points = [event.pos]
    # Handle slider events
    if self.line_width != int(self.width_slider.getValue()):
        self.line_width = int(self.width_slider.getValue())
    # Handle button events
# ... (the rest of the code remains the same)