lozzd / octopus-energy-rates-card

This lovelace card for Home Assistant displays the Octopus Energy rate prices per each 30 minute slot
MIT License
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Support for different time periods #23

Closed VovaBre closed 5 months ago

VovaBre commented 10 months ago

The card is great, however for those on Octopus Tracker tariff the current rate changes only once a day (at least for those without Home mini) - it would be great to be able to change half hourly updates to hourly / daily through variable

airampg commented 9 months ago

I would like to support @VovaBre's request. For example, we have gas on tracker and electricity on agile. This card would work greatly to show the gas price for the day as well. I could suggest, as a workaround, to allow to limit the number of hours that are shown at once. That way, if we could limit the hours to 1 hour, we would have the price of the day. Currently, if I attempt to show my gas prices, I get the same one repeated multiple times every half hour.

lozzd commented 7 months ago

I believe a feature was added in 0.3.0 which might help you here: combinerate (see the README) removes duplicate rows, so I think it would colapse the card down. Try it and let us know!