lozzd / octopus-energy-rates-card

This lovelace card for Home Assistant displays the Octopus Energy rate prices per each 30 minute slot
MIT License
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Feature request: selectable slots #26

Open ccristal opened 9 months ago

ccristal commented 9 months ago

Hi! I have this wild idea of using your card to select the slots during which I want my inverter to charge the battery. In order to do that, your card would allow users to select slots by simply tapping on them, and then it would issue _selected_sloton and _selected_slotoff events respectively at the beginning and at the end of each selected slot, which I can then use to build a trigger for an automation.

I'm new to all this, so forgive me if none of it makes sense, but if it does it would be really useful - at least until I can figure out how to select the slots automatically. And even then. some manual selection would always be welcome.

What do you think?

Thanks! :-)