lozzd / octopus-energy-rates-card

This lovelace card for Home Assistant displays the Octopus Energy rate prices per each 30 minute slot
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Not showing next day pricing #52

Closed bcfhex closed 6 months ago

bcfhex commented 6 months ago

Using octopus-energy-rates-card v0.41 and the latest version of the Octopus Energy Integration I'm unable to see the next days prices (today's half hourly prices are been shown).

event.octopus_energy_electricity_19e50XXXXXX_14193084XXXXX_next_day_rates is enabled and populated.

my yaml for the card is as follows:

type: custom:octopus-energy-rates-card currentEntity: event.octopus_energy_electricity_19e50XXXXX_14193084XXXXX_current_day_rates futureEntity: event.octopus_energy_electricity_19e50XXXXX_14193084XXXXX_next_day_rates targetTimesEntity: binary_sensor.octopus_energy_target_washing_machine_target cols: 6 hour12: false showday: true showpast: false title: Electric Price unitstr: p lowlimit: 7 mediumlimit: 20 highlimit: 27 roundUnits: 2 cheapest: true multiplier: 100

Any ideas? Many thanks

riosil commented 6 months ago

I experienced the same but noticed the Octopus Energy Integration didnot pick up the new rates today. I updated Octopus Energy to v9.2.0-Beta 2 and the rate card populated.

bcfhex commented 6 months ago

I experienced the same but noticed the Octopus Energy Integration didnot pick up the new rates today. I updated Octopus Energy to v9.2.0-Beta 2 and the rate card populated.

Cheers, I've had a look at Bottle Cap Daves integration, I see they guys doing a lot of updates lately (#hero)

It actually eventually updated a few hours later, I'm sure it will all get sorted properly from what Ive been looking at on the betas.

andymk3 commented 4 months ago

I am having this same problem.


Card config:

type: custom:octopus-energy-rates-card currentEntity: event.octopus_energy_electricity_19l2665096_2400000990219_current_day_rates cols: 2 hour12: false showday: true showpast: false title: Octopus Import unitstr: p lowlimit: 15 mediumlimit: 20 highlimit: 30 roundUnits: 2 cheapest: true multiplier: 100

Running Octopus Energy 10.0.4

Next day rates is working.
