lp-wan / datamodel

use of yang to describe SCHC
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Rule Manipulation #12

Open MarinoMtz opened 1 year ago

MarinoMtz commented 1 year ago

Goal: achieve a consensus in how rules are used:

  1. Rule Manipulation: The role of a Rule Manager:
  2. A SCHC Core manipulates rules for several devices, and is not the source or destination of the traffic. Q SCHC Device manipulates its own rules and is the source or destination of the traffic. We can have: 2.1 dev-dev is some very specific cases. 2.1 dev-core, the LPWAN case 2.3 core-core, the PPP case
MarinoMtz commented 1 year ago
  1. Rule Manager LT: Rule Manager: something that modifies rules or something that selects rules. AM: In archi it does not modify rules only selects, as we asuled so far that rules does not change in time. Proposition: Add to Rule Manager the capacity to select and have management, it assures syncronization. Management means:
    • Create, -Modify, -syncronize, -define rule status (active, inactive, changing), -atomicity between pair of peers, coherence
  2. SCHC Core Manipulation for other topologies: 2.1 dev-dev is some very specific cases. 2.2 dev-core, the LPWAN case 2.3 core-core, the PPP case