lpaulsen93 / dokuwiki-plugin-odt

Exports a page to the Open Document format used by OpenOffice.org and other word processors
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wrong translation of bold and italic font style #256

Open hom-mp opened 3 years ago

hom-mp commented 3 years ago

Marking text just bold in wiki is shown bold and italic in the odt-file. Using bold and italic in wiki works well in odt-file. Also marking text only italic works also well.

lpaulsen93 commented 3 years ago

I tested it and it seems to work fine for me. Here is my example wiki content which I exported:

Test **bold** test //italic// test __underlined__ test

A few questions:

hom-mp commented 3 years ago

Hi there,

thanks for your interest in helping my!

I use the "Open Document Plugin von Andreas Gohr, Aurelien Bompard, Florian Lamml, LarsDW223" and there is no update available. May you check yourself. Here's the link: https://help.m-privacy.de/doku.php/tightgate-pro:clipboard There bold, bold italic and normal text. On the right side is the ODT-Export.

Maybe I did something wrong but the bold text always appears as "bold italic" in the odt file.

lpaulsen93 commented 3 years ago

I can see that an ODT template is used, see https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:odt#templates_support for more explanation. I think that the styles in that template file are miss-configured so that bold becomes bold+italic. If you are the administrator of that DokuWiki installation then please check the ODT template file. Otherwise ask the admin to check it.

This also explains that it works fine on my side without using an template. To be sure I also re-tested with using a template file and that also worked fine.

hom-mp commented 3 years ago

Hi, thanks for your hints. I replaced the template with a new page from LibreOffice 7 and it works as you described. Bold, italic and underlined text is shown correctly. But what still is not working is bold and italic.

When I mark text with **//test//** it becomes bold in the odt file. If I mark it //**test**// it becomes italic.

So this combination seems not to work. I'm not sure if this is a bug but other combinations like bold+underline works fine.

lpaulsen93 commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately I still do not see a problem in the plugin. Here is my test wiki code:


Test **bold** test //italic// test __underlined__ test

Test //**bold+italic**// Test **//bold+italic2//** Test

And exported with a test ODT template file it looks like this: TestODTTemplateBoldAndItalic

Klap-in commented 3 years ago

@hom-mp You are using your own ODT template? maybe you can share it such that @lpaulsen93 could test it?