lpaulsen93 / dokuwiki-plugin-odt

Exports a page to the Open Document format used by OpenOffice.org and other word processors
13 stars 26 forks source link

ODT export with CSS basic style option enable is broken with Vector template #306

Closed eduardomozart closed 1 year ago

eduardomozart commented 1 year ago

When enabling the css_usage directive of ODT plugin using the default Vector template on current DokuWiki stable Release 2023-04-04a "Jack Jackrum", the following errors are being thrown when exporting a ODT file on PHP 8:

Warning: Undefined array key "compare" in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/ODTImport.php on line 838

Warning: Undefined array key "compare" in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/ODTImport.php on line 838

Warning: Undefined array key "compare" in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/ODTImport.php on line 838

Warning: Undefined array key "compare" in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/ODTImport.php on line 838

Warning: Undefined array key "compare" in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/ODTImport.php on line 838

Warning: Undefined array key "compare" in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/ODTImport.php on line 838

Warning: Undefined array key "compare" in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/ODTImport.php on line 838

Warning: Undefined array key "compare" in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/ODTImport.php on line 838

Warning: Undefined array key "compare" in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/ODTImport.php on line 838

Warning: Undefined array key "compare" in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/ODTImport.php on line 838

Warning: Undefined array key "compare" in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/ODTImport.php on line 838

Warning: Undefined array key "width" in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/ODTImport.php on line 532

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/ODTImport.php on line 540

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/css/cssimportnew.php on line 108

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/css/cssimportnew.php on line 108

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/css/cssimportnew.php on line 108

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/css/cssimportnew.php on line 108

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/css/cssimportnew.php on line 108

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/css/cssimportnew.php on line 108

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/css/cssimportnew.php on line 108

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/css/cssimportnew.php on line 108

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/css/cssimportnew.php on line 108

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/css/cssimportnew.php on line 108

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/css/cssimportnew.php on line 108

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/css/cssimportnew.php on line 108

Warning: Undefined array key "href " in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/css/cssimportnew.php on line 108

Warning: Undefined array key "href " in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/css/cssimportnew.php on line 108

Warning: Undefined array key "href " in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/css/cssimportnew.php on line 108

Warning: Undefined array key "href " in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/css/cssimportnew.php on line 108

Warning: Undefined array key "href " in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/css/cssimportnew.php on line 108

Warning: Undefined array key "href " in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/css/cssimportnew.php on line 108

Warning: Undefined array key "href " in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/css/cssimportnew.php on line 108

Warning: Undefined array key "href " in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/css/cssimportnew.php on line 108

Warning: Undefined array key "href " in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/css/cssimportnew.php on line 108

Warning: Undefined array key "href " in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/css/cssimportnew.php on line 108

Warning: Undefined array key "href " in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/css/cssimportnew.php on line 108

Warning: Undefined array key "href " in /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/css/cssimportnew.php on line 108
TypeError: Unsupported operand types: string * int
An unforeseen error has occured. This is most likely a bug somewhere. It might be a problem in the odt plugin.

More info has been written to the DokuWiki error log.

Here's the TypeError log:

2023-06-21 14:48:31
TypeError: Unsupported operand types: string * int
#0 /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/ODTImport.php(445): ODTDocument->setUnorderedListParams(1, 'right', '', '')
#1 /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/ODTImport.php(860): ODTImport::importUnorderedListStyles(Object(ODTInternalParams), Object(cssdocument), 'right')
#2 /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/ODTImport.php(721): ODTImport::import_styles_from_css_internal(Object(ODTInternalParams), Object(cssdocument), Array, 'right')
#3 /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/ODTImport.php(116): ODTImport::import_styles_from_css(Object(ODTInternalParams), 'screen', Array, 'right')
#4 /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/ODT/ODTDocument.php(829): ODTImport::importCSSFromString(Object(ODTInternalParams), '.mediafile {\n ...', 'screen', Array, Array, Array, true, 'right')
#5 /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/renderer/page.php(131): ODTDocument->importCSSFromString('.mediafile {\n ...', 'screen', Array, false, 'right')
#6 /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/renderer/page.php(174): renderer_plugin_odt_page->load_css()
#7 /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/lib/plugins/odt/renderer/page.php(270): renderer_plugin_odt_page->document_setup()
#8 /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/inc/parserutils.php(700): renderer_plugin_odt_page->document_start()
#9 /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/inc/parserutils.php(158): p_render('odt_page', Array, NULL)
#10 /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/inc/Action/Export.php(88): p_cached_output('/home/robertinh...', 'odt_page', 'start')
#11 /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/inc/ActionRouter.php(83): dokuwiki\Action\Export->preProcess()
#12 /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/inc/ActionRouter.php(48): dokuwiki\ActionRouter->setupAction('export_odt_page')
#13 /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/inc/ActionRouter.php(60): dokuwiki\ActionRouter->__construct()
#14 /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/inc/actions.php(16): dokuwiki\ActionRouter::getInstance(true)
#15 /home/robertinho/public_html/wiki/doku.php(126): act_dispatch()
#16 {main}

Here is the page content:

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===== Crie suas primeiras páginas =====

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Vá em frente, siga [[:wiki:plugin:addnewpage:newpage|esse link]] e crie a página. Se precisar de ajuda com o uso da sintaxe, você pode sempre consultar a [[wiki:sintaxe|página de sintaxe]].

Você também pode usar uma barra lateral. Para criá-la, basta editar a página [[:sidebar]] (ou [[:wiki:navigation]]). Tudo nessa página será mostrado em uma coluna de margem ao lado. Leia nosso [[doku>faq:sidebar | FAQ sobre barras laterais]] para saber mais.

Esteja ciente de que nem todos os [[:wiki:template|templates]] suportam barras laterais.

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