lpawlick / sd-webui-model-notes

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Consider expanding feature: get description from Civitai. #2

Open bbdbby opened 1 year ago

bbdbby commented 1 year ago

I'm really excited about this extension since there are so many new models, loras, TIs being made and it has very quickly become overwhelming trying to manage all of the info on each. The fact that this will pull info from Civitai is a great feature, but as it works currently it would take many many many hours to pull info on each model/lora/TI individually and save them.

Would it be possible to implement a feature that could pull info for all models at once from Civitai and autosave? I'm sure this could possibly get messy if one already has info stored... so perhaps it could skip any item that already has text entered into the notes?

Let me know if this is something that would be possible and thanks for making this extension.

lpawlick commented 1 year ago

Happy to hear that you like the extension! Downloading descriptions from Civitai for all models is planned and will be implemented in the next few days after i integrated viewing and editing notes into the extra network tab

bbdbby commented 1 year ago

Excited for this new feature! Thanks for the hard work!

lpawlick commented 1 year ago

As of 3aea676 the mode notes tab now has a civitai tab which lets you download descriptions for all models at once. You can select the type of models and optionally let the civitai description overwrite existing notes. I plan to work on markdown support next but until then descriptions taken from civitai only contain text and no images or formatting. Please let me know if this works for you

bbdbby commented 1 year ago

Great! Thanks for making that happen. I'll test it out!