lpdumas / gw2cartographers

A Guild Wars 2 map project
19 stars 8 forks source link

Licensing #27

Closed LouisTrezzini closed 12 years ago

LouisTrezzini commented 12 years ago

Hello and thank you for your work. First, I'd like to congratulate you for this interactive map. I started working on a similar project some time ago but I got busy and stopped working on it. Actually I'm one of the french wiki administrators and we built a lightweight temporary mapping system as visible here : http://wiki-fr.guildwars2.com/wiki/La_Vall%C3%A9e_de_la_reine/Carte_interactive I'd like to know if I could fork you and make an embedded map populated with our easily extractable data. If yes, this project has also a fundamental issue : could you please explicit your licensing terms ? Your project is currently "open-source" but it doesn't mean much. Is it in the public domain or GPL or ...?

jsilvestre commented 12 years ago

+1 about the licensing.

Also, what would be great would be to share the data. We want to add a link to the english wiki, why not the french one ? Win-win.

What do you think @lpdumas ?

lpdumas commented 12 years ago

Already thought of that. First, we are using GW2 assets, so everyone that use the map must agree to their term of use : http://www.guildwars2.com/en/media/asset-kit/terms-of-use.html.

As for the licensing of the source code of our map, i was thinking of something like this http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/

What do you guys think?


Attribution of the work should go to:


I'll really love to translate the map in french, so french wiki link could be great!

LouisTrezzini commented 12 years ago

Seems ok to me but i'm not a lawyer...

lpdumas commented 12 years ago

hahaha i know right? I'm so confuse about licensing .. i don't even know if i can put the map under a license, because of gw2 term of use ... I'm guessing that it's ok for the source code, but I'm lost when we are talking about gw2 assets..

CrankyOldMen commented 12 years ago

Licensing is only as needed or useful as your willingness to enforce it. If you have no intention of enforcing it with legal muscle there is little point is worrying about it.

lpdumas commented 12 years ago

Ok, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/ it is then. @Till034 Feel free to fork everything ;)

jsilvestre commented 12 years ago

I come back with my idea:

Actually we were planning to add links to wikis so we manage the map part and you data part?

LouisTrezzini commented 12 years ago

First I have to write a function which convert our coordinates to yours and ask ANet about legal background. Do you use a specific projection or did you just put the markers by hand? When you say gw2C you just mean this repo right?

jsilvestre commented 12 years ago

We are currently working on a crowdsourcing tool to ease marker adding so, hopefully soon, no more handwork in the config.js file :D

Also, what do you mean by "just mean this repo" ? I guess you just want to adapt GW2C to your needs. I was thinking that you could use GW2C (or an "embed" feature) so you could take advantage of the data we (or somebody in the community) add and we would benefit from the data you add.

Our first goal is to bring cartography, not tons of information (wikis' role!). So we will add links to wikis (english, french, etc.) and databases to complete the data. End users will probably like it ! You could do the same on the wiki: providing geolocalization using gw2c, the application, not an adapted version of it.

lpdumas commented 12 years ago

@Till034 GW2C is for gw2cartographers ;)

LouisTrezzini commented 12 years ago

The point is :

lpdumas commented 12 years ago

Can i ask why you dont want people to move the point? Right everyone can move / add / remove points, but it,s limited to their own instance of the map, so nothing is automatically saved to the database. They have to send theirs data for approval to our backend, then an admin would accept/reject it. On Jul 5, 2012 6:26 AM, "Till034" < reply@reply.github.com> wrote:

The point is :

  • we could only use wiki data (legal issue)
  • we don't want people to be able move or add points within the map tool, they have to go through a template call, so adding a point could only display a modalbox with "Ok now just copy-paste this code in the concerned acticle '{{map infobox|y=...|x=...|type=...}}'"
  • we need clickable markers (to the wiki article) and a tooltip at mouseover.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/lpdumas/gw2cartographers/issues/27#issuecomment-6775559

LouisTrezzini commented 12 years ago

I hardly see how the wiki would manage this data in synchronous way. Exporting JSON data is easy, but how could we modify wiki's articles ? It requires lots of checkings : first the bots must have an account and a token, ask for an edit token for the specific article, edit article with REGEX, try to send the modification, if anyone edited/the token is expired, try again...

jsilvestre commented 12 years ago

I get your point here.

Well, do not hesitate to submit some PRs especially if you improve the performance. Anyway I'll look at what you do so GW2C can still benefit from your work!

lpdumas commented 12 years ago

Could it be a good idea to start a new project for this new demand? We could use the github hosting features, and point something like wiki.gw2cartographers.com to it.

jsilvestre commented 12 years ago

Not sure this is necessary since we just have to watch @Till034 's fork

lpdumas commented 12 years ago

I was refering to this «EDIT : Moreover, nothing can be hosted on your server, that's why it needs to be another project : ANet won't host yours, you can't host wiki tools.»

jsilvestre commented 12 years ago

Well me too actually :p but it's @Till034 's choice :)

LouisTrezzini commented 12 years ago

Some news for you : I managed to write my own app using OpenLayers (it offers some functionalities required for the wiki's coordinates system) I'll clean up my code soon (i'm going in holidays so in 10 days) to remove any remnant of code that comes from you so there won't be any licensing issue anymore

Thanks to you both for your help.

jsilvestre commented 12 years ago

What functionalities exactly? (offered by openlayers)

Also, are you going to host a repository on github ? We might be interested by your work! (open layers can be good because of gmaps limitations^^ Also, I don't know if performance are not better with openlayers).

LouisTrezzini commented 12 years ago

it supports multiple projections (and interfaces proj4js) and non spherical maps

currently you're doing it the inverse way : you put markers, and you look at coordinates after, so you don't care about deformation http://econym.org.uk/gmap/example_custommapflat.htm but on the wiki we saved coordinates on a flat surface ie a png file, so when you use mercator (the only system available with gmap natively) it doesn't work instead of writing a new system, I found out that OpenLayers offers to set the bounds, so now 1px at max zoom = 1 unit currently the only issue is that your max zoom tiles are not at max zoom in game so I have to divide every coordinate first

if you go on my profile there's currently the repo, and you can see it in action http://till034.github.com/gw2cartographers/openlayer/

I find some things useful like feature (=marker) metadata which allows you set rules and filters, use this data for tooltips and so on...

CrankyOldMen commented 12 years ago

Interesting. We are currently messing around with Azure and .net for the back end because it has some interesting functionality when it comes to updating map markers in real time. We have an AppEngine version going as well, just to test the differences. FYI, my buddy Ash is the coder on this, so I have limited knowledge of the details. But I will keep you up to date if you want.

jsilvestre commented 12 years ago

Okay thank you.

I don't know if it comes from openlayers or the heavy javascript involved in zoom in/out in gw2c but your map is clearly smoother !

LouisTrezzini commented 12 years ago

transitionEffect: 'resize' option ;)

LouisTrezzini commented 12 years ago

while loading next tiles, resize the old ones (a little blurry but better than black tiles replaced one by one by new ones)

jsilvestre commented 12 years ago

ok this doesn't seem to exist in google maps API

CrankyOldMen commented 12 years ago

How odd, It should. Google has been using it on maps.google.com for a few years now.

jsilvestre commented 12 years ago

Can't find it in the latest version, maybe I use the wrong keywords tho

lpdumas commented 12 years ago

What browser are you using? pretty smooth with chrome..

CrankyOldMen commented 12 years ago

Both maps seem to be zooming in and out with the same level of smoothness. The only obvious difference is background tile color. He is using black, which gives the appearance of a smoother transition. We are using white.

Also, I could not find that "transitionEffect: 'resize'" in Google Maps either, though I know they use it. It seems like they use it as a default, with no call needed. He is using the OpenLayers map tools, which clearly require it for smooth transitions.