lpdumas / gw2cartographers

A Guild Wars 2 map project
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Marker playlist #55

Open jsilvestre opened 12 years ago

jsilvestre commented 12 years ago


Here is the idea I mentioned yesterday.

I think the tool is currently missing is a way to browse markers. Let make me be clear: currently I can choose to show or hide certain types of markers, let's say Arctodus (ranger pets). But I have no way to center the map on an Arctodus' marker. My idea would be to have a list of markers we could browse. Like a music playlist, the marker playlist would allow the user to focus on a marker (center the map on the marker), go to the next marker, go back to the next marker.

We could make the list with several markers from different categories and a whole marker category (type or group) could be added to the list. Obviously, lists could be exported in the form of a link to make the sharing easy. This would make GW2C powerful as hell since people like the guy from GW Atlas could just put the link of the playlist with all the "guided tour" markers. A fansite that makes a guide on ranger pets can just put the link of the list, etc. We could also propose users (via gw2c-backend) a list of popular or interesting lists like "hearts of queensdale" or whatever. This is actually an enhancement of the toggling system.

The following parts are trying to present the concept and how I would see its implementation with all the details I could think of.

Adding a marker to the list

Added marker are automatically shown on the map when added.

We can argue that adding a single marker is not done by the same interaction by the fact is that drag'n'drop is already used for the marker to move them (even if a special mode must be enabled).

The playlist widget

I am thinking about doing the same thing I did for the change list in the crowdsourcing tool: a first positioned drop-down menu that will hold the markers. The label would be the drop zone for add markers. The style would be changed a little so the users can't get confused with marker groups. I haven't think more deeply about it. That style change is also implied by the need of a too list for the widget : previous button, next button, trash icon, sharing button (see below "The playlist features").

The playlist features

If the title is too long, we truncate it. ("Help farmer Diah" => "Help farmer Di....")

Possible technical issue: if we make a link like http://gw2cartographers.com?plname=blablabla&pldesc=blablaplcontent=idmarker1;idmarker2;idmarker3;idmarker4;idmarker5 we could reach the maximum URL length. This will not likely be the case but there is still a little chance (http://www.boutell.com/newfaq/misc/urllength.html; IE limitation is ~2000 characters).

I think we can "risk" it since IE is the only one that has that low limitation (and our app is already HTML5 etc. :D). Also, 2000/3 is still ~660 markers^â

[This part will be copy to a new GW2CBackend issue if the idea please] The crowdsourcing tool will show a new section with last submitted list and most popular list. I don't think validation before publication would be relevant, just for edge cases (empty list...). However a "report" button would allow users to tell admins there is something wrong (ie duplicate list) with a list.

This requires more thinkings since we can't edit a list (and if we let anybody edit any list, this could lead to griefing) and re-submit it. So I don't know, maybe we are going to need to ask for an email/password for those...(to have an actual owner that can modify the list). This should be addressed later anyway.

Edge cases

The project is actually not that big since I have already detailed a lots of things (well, all I wrote is obviously ready to evolve with your ideas, critics and various proposals). I mean if you like the idea and when we agree on the features, coding will be relatively fast (except for the exporting part, but we can do it later).

I hope you get what was my point here (I'll explain what you have not understood) and that you like the idea. I have tried to be accurate in the details and coherent in the whole proposition (interactions, UI). I can't wait to get your feedback!

jsilvestre commented 12 years ago

Addition to "Sorting the list".

I think it'd be nice to have two sorting presets: one by marker type and one by area. The list would look like something like this:

Preset "by area": -Queensdale ----[icon] title ----[icon] title ---- .....

Preset by marker type: -[icon]Waypoints ---- title ----- title

When the user sort manually the marker, the preset "custom" is selected. Preset "custom": -[icon] title marker1 -[icon] title marker2

Also I think the preset should be added to the sharing link.

lpdumas commented 12 years ago

I really love the idea! Theirs thing like the drag' n drop that I'm not sure of ( I don't want this to be sluggish ), but overall it's pretty sick ^^. We'll need to find a way to implement this the more user friendly as possible. I also thought that we could implement a search engine. Like if i search «brown bear», only those will be visible / navigable on the map. Maybe we could use this playlist has a class and reuse it for the search result, like if their is 36 brown bear on the map, The markers resulting the search query will be auto added into a search playlist so that people will be able to navigate through it. something like that.

We also need to decide what we are doing with dynamics events and undergournd map.

jsilvestre commented 12 years ago

I like the search bar idea. We could add the search bar into the "adding a marker to the list section": as you said, sarch results could fill the list, replacing its content if there is already something in it with a confirmation message on the search button. However, your example is already taken into account thanks to the drag'n'drop from the marker type label to the playlist widget. Anyway searching for "blood" would add hearts (whose title and/or desc contains "blood"), crafting materials, etc. What do you think ? Also for the search bar placement, top right (before export/destroy icons) would be nice I guess.

About the drag'n'drop interaction, since we already have clicks used for toogle, I thought drag'n'drop would be the best interaction (rather than having another button "add to playlist"). Also this interaction would be reserved for adding marker types/groups' markers to the list so there is consistency. But suggestions are still opened! As long as we provide a consistent way of doing thing, the users won't be lost :)

Concerning DE and underground map, let's open another issue to discuss it (I haven't really thought about it yet).

Can you make a branch feature_playlist or something so I can start pushing stuff to it ? (probably next week).

lpdumas commented 12 years ago

I guess we will have to test the drag n drop to see how wel it is working. I still have my doubt though. As for the search term (searching for blood sort everything that has blood in it), yes I think that's the way we should do it. For search result, i think the best would be to make ajax call to the back to output the right markers .. what do you think?

jsilvestre commented 12 years ago

Why requesting the backend ? Just make the calculation client-side.

Anyway we could test both to see what the best solution is.

lpdumas commented 12 years ago

Scalability, if someday we want to tag certain term to a marker, like searching for some kind of loot. For example, if i search for : Freaking Axe of DEATH, and the result output will be possible marker that offer this loot. Well «Freaking Axe of DEATH» could be tagged to certain marker, without polluting their description. Again, I'm not saying that what's gonna happen, but it's a possibility. Wouldn't be nice to be able to search for loot, and to see where i can find this loot? Huge work i know but, maybe someday..

On 2012-07-30, at 10:37 AM, Joseph Silvestre wrote:

Why requesting the backend ? Just make the calculation client-side.

Anyway we could test both to see what the best solution is.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/lpdumas/gw2cartographers/issues/55#issuecomment-7370131

jsilvestre commented 12 years ago

I am not sure to fully understand you (we can do everything you mentioned client-side I guess)...could you explain your point of view again ?

lpdumas commented 12 years ago

Maybe this was a bad exemple, the only thing i wanted to point out is that i don't want to have a freaking huge config file client side, thereby the idea of backend processing. Also, linking something like rare loot to markers ( or to coordinate because it could be in a chest or something like that) could be easier in a database than in a javascript object. Retrieving them could also be easier ;)

jsilvestre commented 12 years ago

Let's make scalability another issue (I mostly agree with you on the problem, we must discuss the solution now^^).

Also, I have started to implement the playlist, I keep you up to date when something functional is ready.

CrankyOldMen commented 12 years ago

Why are we not using a database driven backend again? It seems like it would make things like this much easier to implement. It would also allow us to call up the markers from certain areas. Right now the mark load seems to be pushing the bounds of what can be displayed smoothly and we are missing half the map still. Is there some way to address that?

lpdumas commented 12 years ago

@CrankyOldMen https://github.com/lpdumas/gw2cbackend ;)

CrankyOldMen commented 12 years ago

@lpdumas So does that mean we can fine tune the flood of markers? I will look at the stuff you are using, but if it extends past HTML and CSS it is out of my depth. Haha.

jsilvestre commented 12 years ago

No this just mean we have set up a way to merge the contribution efficiently. We should open an issue for the scalability issue since the discussion should be focus on the playlist component ;-)

All ideas are welcome though.

CrankyOldMen commented 11 years ago

Hey man, quick question. What did you use to cut your maps tiles for http://gw2cartographers.com/?

On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 11:51 AM, Joseph Silvestre < reply@reply.github.com


No this just mean we have set up a way to merge the contribution efficiently. We should open an issue for the scalability issue since the discussion should be focus on the playlist component ;-)

All ideas are welcome though.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/lpdumas/gw2cartographers/issues/55#issuecomment-7436296

Best Regards,


Find Me At: www.CrankyOldMen.com YouTube.com/CrankyOldMen *Cranky Old Men On Google Plushttps://plus.google.com/u/0/b/105170200010354663600/105170200010354663600/posts
