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Dendrogram Feature #3

Open HridayM25 opened 9 months ago

HridayM25 commented 9 months ago

Based on the current clustering algorithm used, contributors can add this functionality. You can look into dendrograms here. This is a very easy issue to fix.

Abhishek891-beep commented 1 month ago

The issue here is to show dendrogram diagram for the list of embedding that is given to clustering function . Do I understand this issue properly ?

This image is from createEmbeddings.py image This is my first issue , so need some help.

HridayM25 commented 1 month ago

A dendrogram is used to visualize some hierarchical clustering. The function to make the dendrogram should essentially take the input of the resultant agglomerative clustering, to visualize the output.

[HINT] : You may have to use scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage(), and create a dendrogram using this linkage.

Let me know if you still face an issue.

Abhishek891-beep commented 1 month ago

I used the above fn scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage() to create dendrogram digram. image

But I am facing issue while importing matplotlib into the codebase. image

I have written the code , but I find it hard to test the code . I tried to send a zip code file to the "doxify" endpoint using postman but i got missing error. I need help with the testing the code if the above code looks fine.

HridayM25 commented 1 month ago

I think the dendrogram code looks fine. Can you try pip install matplotlib?

Can you also paste the exact error that is coming for this :

I have written the code , but I find it hard to test the code . I tried to send a zip code file to the "doxify" endpoint using postman but i got missing error. I need help with the testing the code if the above code looks fine.

Abhishek891-beep commented 1 month ago

My bad I thought this error was due to matlab import statement . This pylint error is in many places .



error: image