Closed ejstembler closed 6 months ago
I hard-coded the test from test/gleam/pgo_test.gleam#L8-L18. And it seems to be parsing the url fine. It must be a different issue...
Are you using ipv6? Are there any logs?
Are you using ipv6? Are there any logs?
I wasn't as far as I know, but I did try it.
let assert Ok(database_url) = envoy.get("DATABASE_URL")
let assert Ok(url_config) = pgo.url_config(database_url)
let config = pgo.Config(..url_config, ssl: True, ip_version: pgo.Ipv6, pool_size: 1)
let db = pgo.connect(config)
It didn't seem to have any affect. I can see where the error is occuring in the generated erlang:
_assert_subject@2 = gleam@pgo:execute(
{ok, Response} = case _assert_subject@2 of
{ok, _} -> _assert_subject@2;
_assert_fail@2 ->
erlang:error(#{gleam_error => let_assert,
message => <<"Assertion pattern match failed"/utf8>>,
value => _assert_fail@2,
module => <<"pgo_test"/utf8>>,
function => <<"main"/utf8>>,
line => 46})
Does Gleam have a log file somewhere I can view?
You can enable compiler logging by setting GLEAM_LOG=trace
but this is unrelated to compilation or even Gleam. This is some misconfiguration of PGO or your AWS infrastructure which preventing connection to the database.
Have you tested with a different client to verify that it is possible to connect to your database from your Heroku instance? For example: psql
Yes, I've tested in psql and Ruby.
dotenv -o -f ".env.heroku" psql $DATABASE_URL -c "SELECT id, author_id, slug, title FROM posts WHERE id = 5;"
require 'pg'
# Check if DATABASE_URL environment variable is set
puts "Please set the DATABASE_URL environment variable."
# Check if ARGV[0] is provided and is an integer
unless ARGV[0] && ARGV[0].match?(/^\d+$/)
puts "Usage: ruby query_post.rb <post_id>"
puts "Please provide a valid post ID as an integer."
# Connect to the database
conn = PG.connect(ENV['DATABASE_URL'])
# Prepare SQL statement
sql = "SELECT id, author_id, slug, title FROM posts WHERE id = $1"
# Execute SQL statement
conn.prepare('get_post_by_id', sql)
result = conn.exec_prepared('get_post_by_id', [ARGV[0]])
# Print output data to stdout
result.each do |row|
puts "ID: #{row['id']}, Author ID: #{row['author_id']}, Slug: #{row['slug']}, Title: #{row['title']}"
conn.close if conn
Could you test it with pgo please? Thank you
Could you test it with pgo please? Thank you
It's been a while since I've written any erlang. I wasn't able to write a test in erlang with pgo. However, I was able to test it in a rebar3 shell:
$ rebar3 shell
1> application:ensure_all_started(pgo).
2> application:ensure_all_started(ssl).
3> pgo:start_pool(default, #{pool_size => 5, host => "", database => "databasename", user => "user", password => "password"}).
4> pgo:query("SELECT id, author_id, slug, title FROM posts WHERE id = 5").
, so I hard-coded the individual parts.ssl => true
in pgo:start_pool
; same {error,none_available}
result though.Thank you. Looks like this issue is within PGO rather than the bindings here so you'll need to take this over there. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.
Thanks. I opened an issue on their end:
@lpil The erlang connection was figured out by @tsloughter in the other issue I opened up.
Any idea how to convert this erlang snippet to Gleam?
ssl_options => [{verify, verify_none}]
pgo.Config(..url_config, ssl: True, ip_version: pgo.Ipv6, pool_size: 1)
Looks like there is no ssl_options
in so that'll need to be added.
Apparently this is being worked on at #22
Author of #22 here.
Apart from setting the correct SSL parameters, I'd be curious on your use case to access the SSL options of pgo
. Actually, all I needed was to set the correct CA certificates for SSL to work, and I'm rather happy with the result, meaning I'd prefer to not open the SSL options as-is, because it's not really gleamish (with lot of configurations, etc.). It would require more work from our side to have a configuration which makes sense, and disallow wrong configuration.
Thanks @giovannibonetti
@ghivert can you send that PR here instead?
Here's a sanitized example: