Any help appreciated. I'm struggling bad and I've spent HOURS....
homebridge UI x keeps adding another accessories at the bottom as well? but i know the plugin for this needs it's own accessories under the platform info. all i want is a simple on/off switch for the LEDS on my deck. they work in the app (yes, i did the "unlock" in the app as directed :D)
Any help appreciated. I'm struggling bad and I've spent HOURS....
homebridge UI x keeps adding another accessories at the bottom as well? but i know the plugin for this needs it's own accessories under the platform info. all i want is a simple on/off switch for the LEDS on my deck. they work in the app (yes, i did the "unlock" in the app as directed :D)
{ "bridge": { "name": "Homebridge 2AEC", "username": "xxx", "port": 51914, "pin": "xxx" }, "platforms": [ { "platform": "BroadlinkRM", "name": "Broadlink RM", "hideScanFrequencyButton": false, "hideLearnButton": false, "hideWelcomeMessage": true, "hosts": [ { "address": "", "mac": "xxx", "isRFSupported": true, "isRM4": true } ], "accessories": [ { "name": "Deck", "type": "switch", "data": { "on": "1e00000000000000000000000000", "off": "09001a00000000b08f06000000000000" }, { "name": "Config", "port": 8581, "platform": "config" }, { "name": "Nest", "googleAuth": { "issueToken": "xxx", "cookies": "xxx", "apiKey": "xxx" }, "platform": "Nest" }, { "name": "Logitech Harmony Hub", "hubIP": "", "switchAccessories": true, "publishSwitchActivitiesAsIndividualAccessories": true, "platform": "HarmonyHubWebSocket" }, { "name": "SmartThings-v2", "app_url": "", "app_id": "xxx", "access_token": "xxx", "direct_port": 8000, "temperature_unit": "C", "validateTokenId": false, "logConfig": { "debug": false, "showChanges": true, "hideTimestamp": true, "hideNamePrefix": true, "file": { "enabled": true, "level": "good" } }, "platform": "SmartThings-v2" }, { "platform": "WizSmarthome", "name": "WizSmarthome" } ], "accessories": [] }