lpsinger / observing-scenarios-simulations

Gravitational wave observing scenarios simulations
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Update Planck15 to Planck18 #23

Open weizmannk opened 1 year ago

weizmannk commented 1 year ago

Hi @lpsinger, In ligo.skymap and here we go on to use planck15, Could we move on Planck18 ?

lpsinger commented 1 year ago

We were waiting for the LVK PE group to adopt Planck18. Have they done that?

weizmannk commented 1 year ago

Ok I see, I don't know about LVK group. In nmma we use planck18 , it's for that.

I'll look for LVK and get back to you .

lpsinger commented 1 year ago

Why did you close this?

weizmannk commented 1 year ago

The table N°1 of page 35 (in APPENDIX) of LVK cosmology paper , https://arxiv.org/pdf/2111.03604.pdf, it's look like they used Plank15 for Matter density parameter.

Then bilby keep using Planck15 as default parameter ,https://git.ligo.org/lscsoft/bilby/-/blob/master/bilby/gw/cosmology.py#L13

mcoughlin commented 1 year ago

@weizmannk Did we open an issue in bilby asking if they intend to update sometime?

weizmannk commented 1 year ago

@mcoughlin Not yet, I could do it.

mcoughlin commented 1 year ago

@weizmannk Please do.

weizmannk commented 1 year ago

For the moment that is the answer from one of bilby contributors . I still wait for a confirmation.


weizmannk commented 1 year ago

According to bilby team , they will not update Plank values before the O4. <<The takeaway is that we don't want to update in advance of O4 given that it would need coordination across the CBC group.>>

Then they point me on CBC discussion rely on on Plank value https://git.ligo.org/cbc/action_items/-/issues/37

So I suggest that we back to Planck15 on nmma. ?

lpsinger commented 1 year ago
