lpsinger / observing-scenarios-simulations

Gravitational wave observing scenarios simulations
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O4 simulations with realistic KAGRA sensitivity #9

Closed Tohuvavohu closed 2 years ago

Tohuvavohu commented 2 years ago

The paper, and simulations released, use a KAGRA PSD with a BNS range of 80 Mpc, according to Footnote 7 in the paper. According to the latest LVK update (https://observing.docs.ligo.org/plan/): "KAGRA should be running with greater than 1 Mpc sensitivity at the beginning of O4, and will work to improve the sensitivity toward the end of O4."

For this reason, the median localization size in the simulations, are likely significantly smaller than will be seen in O4. Thoughts? Is it possible to produce a new O4 sim set without KAGRA, or with very low sensitivity KAGRA?

weizmannk commented 2 years ago

I think that here we only use the sensitivities published in the Ligo public space, https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-T2200043/public . I mean that for a lower estimate it will have to appear on https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-T2200043/public. Also it seems that at the end of the O4 the sensitivity could reach the sensitivity initially expected.

Maybe @lpsinger or @mcoughlin can explain better .

Tohuvavohu commented 2 years ago

@weizmannk As you point out, there are many sensitivity curves on that public page that are much more representative of the expected performance of KAGRA in O4, compared to the 80 Mpc range curve used in the paper/current sims. It would be very useful to use one of those (eg the 3 Mpc range curve) or just not include KAGRA at all for the O4 sims...

Tohuvavohu commented 2 years ago

Bump @lpsinger

lpsinger commented 2 years ago

We checked on the PSDs we were using with LVK operations. @mcoughlin, what was the resolution of that?

mcoughlin commented 2 years ago

@Tohuvavohu We are using a KAGRA leadership approved PSD, which indeed is low sensitivity for O4.

Tohuvavohu commented 2 years ago

Sorry, to be clear, the Petrov+Singer paper uses a KAGRA PSD that is equivalent to 80 Mpc BNS sensitivity. Will this be updated?

lpsinger commented 2 years ago

Was that change #4?

lpsinger commented 2 years ago

The Petrov+Singer paper is published already, so we can't update the paper. The updated observing scenarios predictions which are based on the same code as the Singer & Petrov paper will use the lower sensitivity KAGRA PSD. Make sense?

Tohuvavohu commented 2 years ago

Yes, thank you.