lpsmith / postgresql-simple

Mid-level client library for accessing PostgreSQL from Haskell
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Support for composite types #246

Open LukaHorvat opened 6 years ago

LukaHorvat commented 6 years ago

I'm opening this issue to track support for composite types. Here's what I have so far.

-- Adapted code from: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/postgresql-simple-
module Composite where

import Prelude
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromField
import Data.Typeable
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.TypeInfo as TI
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 hiding (Result)
import Control.Applicative ((<|>), many)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Foldable (toList)

data Composite (ts :: [*]) where
    EmptyComposite :: Composite '[]
    ConsComposite :: t -> Composite ts -> Composite (t ': ts)

instance Show (Composite '[]) where
    show EmptyComposite = "EmptyComposite"
instance (Show (Composite ts), Show t) => Show (Composite (t ': ts)) where
    show (ConsComposite t r) = "ConsComposite " <> show t <> " (" <> show r <> ")"

-- | any postgresql composite type whose fields are compatible with types @ts@
instance FieldParsers ts => FromField (Composite ts) where
    fromField = pgCompositeFieldParser

pgCompositeFieldParser :: FieldParsers ts => FieldParser (Composite ts)
pgCompositeFieldParser f mdat = do
    info <- typeInfo f
    let cont = case mdat of
            Nothing  -> returnError UnexpectedNull f ""
            Just dat ->
                case parseOnly (fromComposite info f) dat of
                    Left  err  -> returnError ConversionFailed f err
                    Right conv -> conv
    case info of
        TI.Composite{} -> cont
        TI.Basic{typname = "composite"} -> cont
        _ -> returnError Incompatible f ("TypeInfo: " <> show info)

class Typeable ts => FieldParsers ts where
    fromCompositeFormats :: [TypeInfo] -> Field -> [CompositeFormat] -> Conversion (Composite ts)
instance FieldParsers '[] where
    fromCompositeFormats [] _ [] = return EmptyComposite
    fromCompositeFormats _ f _ = returnError Incompatible f "The Composite's type indicates a smaller number of elements than the composite that was received"
instance (FromField t, Typeable t, FieldParsers ts) => FieldParsers (t ': ts) where
    fromCompositeFormats (ti : tis) f (af : afs) = 
            <$> fromField @t fElem (if af == NullStr then Nothing else Just item')
            <*> fromCompositeFormats @ts tis f afs
        fElem = f { typeOid = typoid ti }
        item' = fmt af
    fromCompositeFormats _ f _ = returnError Incompatible f "The Composite's type indicates a greater number of elements than the composite that was received"

fromComposite :: FieldParsers ts => TypeInfo -> Field -> Parser (Conversion (Composite ts))
fromComposite ti f = fromCompositeFormats elems f <$> composite
    elems = toList . fmap atttype . attributes $ ti

compositeFormat :: Parser CompositeFormat
compositeFormat = 
    Plain <$> plain
    <|> Quoted <$> quoted

data CompositeFormat = 
    Plain B.ByteString
    | Quoted B.ByteString
    | NullStr
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

composite :: Parser [CompositeFormat]
composite = char '(' *> option [] strings <* char ')'
    strings = sepBy1 (Quoted <$> quoted <|> Plain <$> plain <|> return NullStr) (char ',')

quoted :: Parser B.ByteString
quoted  = char '"' *> option "" contents <* char '"'
    esc' = (char '\\' *> char '\\')
       <|> (char '"' *> char '"')
    unQ = takeWhile1 (notInClass "\"\\")
    contents = mconcat <$> many (unQ <|> B.singleton <$> esc')

plain :: Parser B.ByteString
plain = takeWhile1 (notInClass ",\"() ")

fmt :: CompositeFormat -> B.ByteString
fmt = fmt' False

delimit :: [CompositeFormat] -> B.ByteString
delimit [] = ""
delimit [x] = fmt' True x
delimit (x:y:z) = (fmt' True x `B.snoc` ',') `mappend` delimit (y:z)

fmt' :: Bool -> CompositeFormat -> B.ByteString
fmt' quoting x = case x of
    Plain bytes          -> B.copy bytes
    Quoted q 
        | quoting   -> '"' `B.cons` (esc q `B.snoc` '"')
        | otherwise -> B.copy q
    NullStr -> ""

esc :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
esc = B.concatMap f
    f '"'  = "\\\""
    f '\\' = "\\\\"
    f c    = B.singleton c

This needs to be tested but it seems to work for simple cases. Perhaps it can be improved and merged into the library or at the very least it might save someone some effort.

michalrus commented 6 years ago

@LukaHorvat is this a solution for #238, too?

LukaHorvat commented 6 years ago

Nope, this is only for the fully typed ones. The parser should work for untyped records as well but there's an issue with calling the individual field parsers. You need to provide the runtime representation of the parsed type and you don't have that available.

alpmestan commented 4 years ago

And for ToField:

instance FieldRenderers ts => ToField (Composite ts) where
  toField = pgCompositeFieldRenderer

  :: FieldRenderers ts => Composite ts -> Action
pgCompositeFieldRenderer c =
  Many $ [ Plain "row(" ] ++
         intersperse (Plain ",") (renderCompositeFields c) ++
         [ Plain ")" ]

class FieldRenderers ts where
  renderCompositeFields :: Composite ts -> [Action]

instance FieldRenderers '[] where
  renderCompositeFields _ = []

instance (ToField t, FieldRenderers ts) => FieldRenderers (t ': ts) where
  renderCompositeFields (t :& ts) = toField t : renderCompositeFields ts

might do the trick?

tomjaguarpaw commented 3 years ago

The parser should work for untyped records as well but there's an issue with calling the individual field parsers. You need to provide the runtime representation of the parsed type and you don't have that available.

@LukaHorvat I'm interested in adding support for anonymous/untyped records. Could you give me a clue where your implementation would need to change to support them?

LukaHorvat commented 3 years ago

It's been a while so I'm not sure, but I think elems = toList . fmap atttype . attributes $ ti won't work because ti isn't Composite for anonymous records.