lpurdy01 / Fusion-360-Camera-Control

A Fusion 360 script that allows for gamepad / controller input to control the view / camera in Fusion 360
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Camera drifting #2

Open Zufallsgenerat0r opened 2 weeks ago

Zufallsgenerat0r commented 2 weeks ago

I'm getting drift after a while. This can be reset via button on board. Is there a way to handle this on the software side?


lpurdy01 commented 2 weeks ago

Happy to see someone else got this plugin working!

Unfortunately I don't think there is an easy solution to the drift over time.

I haven't gotten back to this project in a while, but I suspect the drift mostly comes from the plastic in the flexure getting slightly deformed. Then on a reset the mouse sets a new 0 point.

I am working on a spring based flexture that shouldn't have as much memory, but no updates on then that might happen.