lra / mackup

Keep your application settings in sync (OS X/Linux)
GNU General Public License v3.0
14.52k stars 931 forks source link

List only apps that exist on current host #1331

Closed haakonstorm closed 5 years ago

haakonstorm commented 5 years ago

Suggestion 1: "# mackup listlocal"

# mackup listlocal

To list only apps currently available on current host. Something along these lines:

 mackup list
 mackup listlocal
 mackup [options] backup
 mackup [options] restore
 mackup [options] uninstall
 mackup (-h | --help)
 mackup --version

 -h --help     Show this screen.
 -f --force    Force every question asked to be answered with "Yes".
 -n --dry-run  Show steps without executing.
 -v --verbose  Show additional details.
 --version     Show version.

Modes of action:
1. list: display a list of all supported applications.
2. listlocal: display a list of all supported applications found on this local host**

The idea is that: # mackup listlocal >> .mackup.cfg can prepopulate the config file so it is easier to sort apps into:



Because today, when I ran the utility for the first time with --dry-run, I got a list like this: # mackup --dry-run backup

Backing up .MacOSX ...
Backing up Library/KeyBindings/DefaultKeyBinding.dict ...
Backing up Library/ColorSync/Profiles ...
Backing up .hgignore_global ...
Backing up Library/Application Support/Many Tricks ...
Backing up .npmrc ...
Backing up Library/Preferences/com.kapeli.dashdoc.plist ...
Backing up Library/KeyBindings/DefaultKeyBinding.dict ...
Backing up Library/Services ...
Backing up Library/Workflows ...
Backing up .config/omf ...
Backing up .subversion ...

I am not sure which apps all items in this list belong to. If instead we could do something like:

# mackup listlocal


(notice the dashes ("-") are removed from this view, to be compatible with .mackup.cfg) This way your could immediately edit the cfg to select which Apps I want to exclude.

Suggestion 2: "# mackup setup"

Additionally, another way perhaps even better would be something like:

10core.local: # mackup setup

Searching for locally installed apps supported by the sync engines ...
Searching for available sync backends ...
Defaulting to all apps INCLUDED for sync ...
Building ~/.mackup.cfg for this particular host 10core.local ...

Resulting in a .mackup.cfg created and prepopulated with:

Just my 0.02 satoshis, thanks for a great utility! And for Pouet! <3 from Oslo

zen0wu commented 5 years ago

I really like this proposal. Otherwise mackup list is not very useful, having 400+ programs listed, most of which each individual user doesn't even recognize.

lra commented 5 years ago

Dupe of