lrberge / fixest

Fixed-effects estimations
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feols(): divergence of the fixed-effects algorithm without warning #323

Closed ja-ortiz-uniandes closed 7 months ago

ja-ortiz-uniandes commented 2 years ago

Hello, I am using feols() to estimate a relatively simple model with 3 types of fixed effects. Here is my call:

feols(y ~ x | fe1 + fe2 + fe3, data = my_data)

However after doing this estimation I get the following results when using screenreg() (results are the same with etable()):

                       Model 1                               
x                                                   -2.80 ***
Num. obs.                                       270563       
Num. groups: fe1                                    17       
Num. groups: fe2                                     9       
Num. groups: fe3                                   120       
R^2 (full model)       -751725941916247967602464286020.00    
R^2 (proj model)                                     1.00    
Adj. R^2 (full model)  -752126242693695971924244602284.00    
Adj. R^2 (proj model)                                1.00    
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05

I believe this is problematic since the model I have has no restrictions for the slope or the intercept and as such I don't see why I'm producing a negative R2. Possibly, I'm not understanding something.

I also tried using lfe::felm() and got quite a different result in much less time. Here is my call to felm():

lfe::felm(y ~ x | fe1 + fe2 + fe3, data = my_data)

And here are the results (using screenreg()):

                       Model 1      
x                           0.07 ***
Num. obs.              270563       
R^2 (full model)            0.05    
R^2 (proj model)            0.00    
Adj. R^2 (full model)       0.05    
Adj. R^2 (proj model)      -0.00    
Num. groups: fe1           17       
Num. groups: fe2            9       
Num. groups: fe3          120       
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05

As for the execution time I've been using Sys.time() and while felm() takes around 1.3 seconds, feols() takes over a minute (anywhere between 1.02 mins to 1.4 mins).

Finally, I will say that when using etable() I get the following warning: In FUN(X[[i]], ...) : probable complete loss of accuracy in modulus however this is not always the case, as different model specifications still yield negative R2s but no error messages. The necessary steps to reproduce these results are bellow.

ja-ortiz-uniandes commented 2 years ago

Here is how to replicate the problem with this data set:

# Packages

# Import data
my_data <- fread("my_data.csv")

# Model with feols()
start <- Sys.time()
feols(y ~ x | fe1 + fe2 + fe3, data = my_data) %>% screenreg
Sys.time() - start

# Model with felm()
start <- Sys.time()
lfe::felm(y ~ x | fe1 + fe2 + fe3, data = my_data) %>% screenreg
Sys.time() - start
statzhero commented 1 year ago

I was curious by this issue given my recent question: Your example replicates for me.

I don't have an answer except that demeaning goes wrong somewhere, but I'll post my thought process.

cor(my_data, method = "spearman")
est <- lm(y ~ x + factor(fe1) + factor(fe2) + factor(fe3), data = my_data)

                  GVIF  Df GVIF^(1/(2*Df))
x             5.336705   1        2.310131
factor(fe1) 156.353203  16        1.171024
factor(fe2) 185.266706   8        1.385917
factor(fe3) 333.291358 119        1.024708

est_res <- feols(y ~ x | fe2 + fe3, data = my_data) 

est_res |> etable()
Dependent Var.:                  y

x               0.0736*** (0.0104)
Fixed-Effects:  ------------------
fe2                            Yes
fe3                            Yes
_______________ __________________
S.E.: Clustered            by: fe2
Observations               270,563
R2                         0.04208
Within R2                  0.00026
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
est2 <- update(est, data = my_data[-48710,])
my_data$fe2_b <- floor(my_data$fe2 / 2)

feols(y ~ x | fe1 + fe2_b + fe3, data = my_data, fixef.rm = 'both') |> 
est_d <- feols(y ~ x | fe1 + fe2 + fe3, data = my_data, 
      demeaned = TRUE) 

collapse::qsu(est_t[c("y_demeaned", "X_demeaned")])
                 N             Mean              SD
y_demeaned  270563   1.53867429e+13  5.47790209e+26
X_demeaned  270563  -2.61835466e+13  1.95315321e+26
                        Min             Max
y_demeaned  -2.19166815e+28  1.47794708e+28
X_demeaned  -5.26963981e+27  7.81442171e+27

Lastly, fixest::feols() has parameters that change the algorithm (collin.tol and so forth) but I haven't played around with them.

lrberge commented 7 months ago

Dear @ja-ortiz-uniandes, thanks a lot for this issue and especially the reproducible example.

Two things:

  1. there was a bug preventing a warning to pop when the demeaning algorithm didn't converge
  2. thanks to your example I could improve the internal algorithm. Originally, for some reason, the algorithm did not converge with your example data. I reworked the algorithm and now it works.

To be clear, I have added a few tricks in the internal demeaning algorithm to help it get out of difficult cases. You can access the new settings with the (new) function demeaning_algo. But with the new defaults, your use case just works now.

Thanks again all and very sorry for the immense delay.

ja-ortiz-uniandes commented 7 months ago

Dear @lrberge thank you. Your package has made science more open and accessible. As I have expressed many times before, I believe there is no better way to do FE estimations than with fixest. Your continued work on this package is what has made fixest into the amazing package it is today. Thanks for taking care of the issue!