lrkrol / SEREEGA

SEREEGA: Simulating Event-Related EEG Activity
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try to simulate ERD at motor cortex like in the paper #5

Closed megazero1316 closed 4 years ago

megazero1316 commented 5 years ago

Hello , really great work and toolbox :D

however i am having some difficulty trying to simulate motor cortex ERD same as in figure 7 in the paper ( assuming that was the goal in the paper if i understand it correctly ).

so following the explanation in the paper and using the given template i tried to do the simulation on the left motor cortex

here is a sample of my code :

% configuring for 100 epochs of 1000 ms at 1000 Hz
config      = struct('n', 10, 'srate', 1000, 'length', t_len);

% obtaining a 64-channel lead field from ICBM-NY
leadfield   = lf_generate_fromnyhead('montage', 'S64');

% packing source locations and activations together into components
component1 = utl_get_component_fromtemplate('motorcortex_left_mu_rest_ersp', leadfield);
component2 = utl_get_component_fromtemplate('motorcortex_left_beta_rest_ersp', leadfield);
component3 = utl_get_component_fromtemplate('motorcortex_left_mu_desynch_650l_600w_ersp', leadfield);
component4 = utl_get_component_fromtemplate('motorcortex_left_beta_desynch_600l_500w_ersp', leadfield);
signal = struct('type', 'noise', 'color', 'brown','amplitude', 5, 'amplitudeDv', .5);
sourcelocs = lf_get_source_spaced(leadfield, 64, 25);
component5 = utl_create_component(sourcelocs, signal, leadfield);

% simulating data
data        = generate_scalpdata([component1,component2,component3,component4,component5], leadfield, config);
% data        = generate_scalpdata([component1,component4,component5], leadfield, config);
% data        = generate_scalpdata([component5], leadfield, config);

% converting to EEGLAB dataset format, adding ICA weights
EEG         = utl_create_eeglabdataset(data, config, leadfield);
EEG         = utl_add_icaweights_toeeglabdataset(EEG, [component1,component2,component3,component4,component5], leadfield);

and using eeglab ti plot the ERPS for the generated signal :

pop_newtimef( EEG, 1, 28, [0  999] , [2 0.5] ...
    , 'topovec', 28, 'elocs', EEG.chanlocs, 'chaninfo', EEG.chaninfo...
    , 'caption', 'C3', 'baseline',[0]...
    , 'freqs', [3 30], 'plotitc' , 'off', 'plotphase', 'off', 'scale', 'abs', 'ntimesout', 300, 'nfreqs', 20);

i end up with this


is this correct or the way i plot it is wrong ?

lrkrol commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the compliment! :D

First of all I would like to express a quick warning about using the templates. I have been debating with myself whether or not to even include such a function. On the one hand, I think the general idea is good -- on the other, there's a danger that there's not sufficient generalisability to really call these "templates". Please handle with care and make sure the templates do what you want them to do.

Having said that, your procedure is generally correct, but there's a few things to keep in mind.

pop_newtimef( EEG, 1, 28, [-1000  1999], [2 0.1], ...
     'topovec', 28, 'elocs', EEG.chanlocs, 'chaninfo', EEG.chaninfo, ...
     'caption', 'C3', 'baseline',[0],'basenorm', 'off', 'nfreqs', 28, 'freqs', [3 30], ...
     'plotitc' , 'off', 'plotphase', 'off', 'padratio', 32, 'freqscale', 'log');

The following adjusted code increases the length of the epoch (also adding a 1-second pre-stimulus interval) and takes only components 3, 4, and 5. Then using the above code should plot a figure making the desynch more clearly visible.

% configuring for 100 epochs of 1000 ms at 1000 Hz
prestim = 1000;
config      = struct('n', 10, 'srate', 1000, 'length', t_len, 'prestim', prestim);

% obtaining a 64-channel lead field from ICBM-NY
leadfield   = lf_generate_fromnyhead('montage', 'S64');

% packing source locations and activations together into components
component3 = utl_get_component_fromtemplate('motorcortex_left_mu_desynch_650l_600w_ersp', leadfield);
component4 = utl_get_component_fromtemplate('motorcortex_left_beta_desynch_600l_500w_ersp', leadfield);
signal = struct('type', 'noise', 'color', 'brown','amplitude', 5, 'amplitudeDv', .5);
sourcelocs = lf_get_source_spaced(leadfield, 64, 25);
component5 = utl_create_component(sourcelocs, signal, leadfield);

% applying prestimulus
component3 = utl_shift_latency(component3, prestim);
component4 = utl_shift_latency(component4, prestim);

% simulating data
data        = generate_scalpdata([component3,component4,component5], leadfield, config);

% converting to EEGLAB dataset format, adding ICA weights
EEG         = utl_create_eeglabdataset(data, config, leadfield);
EEG         = utl_add_icaweights_toeeglabdataset(EEG, [component3,component4,component5], leadfield);

(When writing this, I noticed a bug in utl_shift_latency; please re-download or fix locally!)

Some more things to keep in mind:

When increasing the number of epochs to 50 using the above code, I get the following plot:


megazero1316 commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your help , now i see where is my mistakes 😄 .

the reason why i plot raw scalp data is that i train some machine learning models on bci competition iv dataset 2a which it`s for motor imagery EEG signal. and i plan to simulate some EEG signal using your toolbox to validate that these models focus on picking up ERD/ERS features, so what i do is i visualize the ERD/ERS for a subject and i want to try to simulate similar pattern using your toolbox.

so i have a question, is there anything i should consider when i do the simulation to achieve a toy data similar to one of the subject (e.g. source location and dipole orientation variation, the deviation in frequency and latency and so on) ?

lrkrol commented 5 years ago

I've never really worked with motor imagery datasets myself, but I think participants usually sustain the imagery for a longer amount of time (e.g. multiple seconds). The one that I simulated in the paper, and thus the one that's in the template file, is a rather short ERD that mimicks an actual manual response (e.g. a single button press).

So, you may want to simulate longer epochs with a more sustained ERD/ERS effect. The template uses the invburst ERSP modulation to get an ERD at a specific time point. In a simple motor imagery simulation for classification, you may not even need that -- you can just simulate one set of epochs that have a relatively strong signal in the mu band coming from some relevant motor cortex dipole, and another set of epochs with lower power in that band. You could use frequencyShift to have the signal amplitudes between classes be different on average but overlap so as not to make it too easy.

That would probably be the simplest case, good for classification, but less so for visualisation, because it wouldn't have a baseline period. If you want to have a baseline and "ramp-up" period, the invburst is probably fine, but as I said, your real data probably has a longer-lasting effect, so you'd want to increase the width of the burst.

If you want to make toy data similar to one of your real datasets, I would suggest to look at that real data and get the information you need. Perhaps you could obtain some single-trial statistics to see the mean and standard deviation (e.g. of the signal power) in the classes and use those to inform the simulation parameters. As for the location of the source, you could have a look at the projection patterns in the mu band (or CSP patterns, if you're using CSP) and try to reproduce them visually, or apply a dipole-fitting method.

Also note that the variation in dipole orientation may not be realistic. I included it because it's technically possible, but anatomically, the cortex obviously doesn't do a lot of rotating on the spot. I would initially stick to amplitude and perhaps latency variations in this case, and make sure there is a realistic amount of noise (also see the SNR section of the readme).