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LRM Crashes during an unrealistically high rate of climb/descent #10

Closed optoisolated closed 2 years ago

optoisolated commented 4 years ago

When the aircraft is experiencing an unrealistic rate of climb/descent (due to non-competent pilot flying, or due to use of Slew mode), the LRM client will crash citing "Value was either too large or too small for an Int16."

Is it possible for the LRM client to have an option to ignore excessive (or unrealistic) rates of climb/descent also?

optoisolated commented 4 years ago

Hi, have you had a chance to take a look at this bug at all? Thanks 👍

allebb commented 4 years ago

Hey optoisolated,

I'm really sorry for the delay in getting back to you (I've been so busy recently) - Strangely I'm unable to replicate the issue though.

Can I ask what simulator and version you are using so I can attempt to replicate my end?

optoisolated commented 4 years ago

Hi, No worries at all :) I'm using FSX:SE (standard, not beta). You can replicate it by using something like an F-16 or other aircraft with high climb/descend rate, and disabling crash detection. I noticed it when my child was playing and I'd turned off crash detection.

allebb commented 4 years ago

Fantastic, thanks for the feedback. I'll add a fix in the next version of the client (due to be released later this month) 👍

allebb commented 3 years ago

Hi @optoisolated , I appreciate that it's been a while and you may have moved on from Simming/using another platform but I wanted to let you know that there is a new BETA release that can be found here:

I'd be interested in hearing if you still experience the same problem when using that version?

allebb commented 2 years ago

This has been fixed in the latest releases of LRM. Closing this issue as no further work is required.