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LRM gets error on startup and wont run, regardless if fsx is running or not #2

Closed harry8227 closed 8 years ago

harry8227 commented 8 years ago

LMR gets error on startup and wont run, regardless if fsx is running or not

allebb commented 8 years ago

Any chance you could post up the error message/a screenshot of the error?

What version of Windows are you running too?

Cheers, Bobby

vortekc commented 8 years ago

I have similar problem. In the windows log i found this: Application: LRM.exe Framework Version: v4.0.30319 Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception. Exception Info: System.FormatException at System.Number.StringToNumber(System.String, System.Globalization.NumberStyles, NumberBuffer ByRef, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo, Boolean) at System.Number.ParseDecimal(System.String, System.Globalization.NumberStyles, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo) at System.Convert.ToDecimal(System.String) at LRM.WebServices.isNewVersionAvailable() at LRM.MainForm.autoCheckUpdates() at LRM.MainForm..ctor() at LRM.Program.Main()

P.S. i am fix this by changing date and numbers format to English (US) Turn off update check in LRM.exe.config config file help too

gaabne commented 8 years ago

I have the same error - using Windows 7 64 - with French regionals! When I set English (US) it works, but it cannot be a permanent solution !

Could you consider to allow for other regional setting - it would be great. Thank you for this nice utility.

allebb commented 8 years ago

Hey guys - Thanks for the additional reports, I'll look to get this resolved and a new version pushed ASAP.

gaabne commented 8 years ago

Hello, I just discovered that the failure on non english systems is linked to the ckeck for update option. Turn off update check option (as well as upload landing rate) solves the issue.

I like a lot your application - I am just missing the Ground Speed at same time to help me improve my landings...

Thanks to consider that option.

allebb commented 8 years ago

Evening all - Been really busy recently so I'm glad that you've been able to find a temporary work around.

Just a quick note to let you know that this will be fixed in the 2.4 release that I wil lbe releasing tomorrow.

Thanks for your patience :+1:

gaabne commented 8 years ago

Thank you for your note.

Would you mind, taking opportinity of this update, to add an option to display the speed at landing time ? I known it was displayed in a previous version, but some people asked to suppress it :( Cheers Gérard

allebb commented 8 years ago

Yeah sure thing - Would you mind openig a separate issue (well, feature request) on GitHub for this request and I will work on getting that added this evening too.

I assume you mean have it displayed on the desktop app too (instead of on the green in-sim ticker?)

I'd be more than happy to add it to the desktop app display but not keen on adding it to the flight sim ticker really especially as people didn't like too much info displayed in-sim.

Cheers, Bobby

allebb commented 8 years ago

On the other hand @gaabne ... I could, if you did want it on the green, in-sim ticker, I suppose I could add an option to the LRM tool to "Display additional stats in-sim" which could then show the IAS at landing, wind speed etc. - Just open the the other "Feature request" with your requirements and I will look to get it added this evening.

allebb commented 8 years ago

This has now been fixed and tested. The latest v2.4 release can be downloaded and installed from:

Please report back any issues but all should work fine regardless of your regional settings!

allebb commented 8 years ago

@gaabne I just wondered if you have had a chance to test this as yet and if so, could you confirm it's all ok for you now?

gaabne commented 8 years ago

@bobsta63 I made a quick test - everything is ok for me :) A big big thanks


allebb commented 8 years ago

That's great - Thanks for confirming and you are very welcome :+1: