lrmapp / issues

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Ensure that the "Updates available" message box identifies itself as "LRM" #8

Closed allebb closed 6 years ago

allebb commented 6 years ago

As reported by a user, when LRM Client is running in "BlackBox" mode it is not obvious that the update notification is for LRM client.

--- Start Email ---

I love your Landing Rate Monitor. It has really helped me to nail landing my A2A Cessna 172. Keep up the good work.

Today, however, LRM scared the $#!t out of me. It popped up with a very cryptic window for the update to 4.0.0. The software did not identify itself as LRM, leaving me scanning my computer for malware for two hours before I happened to think to look in my startups for something auto-updating. I turned off the LRM auto-update and the cryptic message disappeared.

Is there any way to make that update alert window more clear that it belongs to LRM?

Thanks, and keep up the good work on this great piece of flight sim kit. Updating now! :-)

allebb commented 6 years ago

I can confirm that this has now been fixed, if you re-download version 4 of the client via. this has now been added, simply running the installer again will patch your current version of the client and include the new text: "A new version (v.X.X.X) of the LRM Client is available, would you like to download and install it now".