lrpirlet / cal-babelio_db

4 stars 1 forks source link

Download metadata does not work #1

Closed sebastien-k closed 7 months ago

sebastien-k commented 7 months ago


Download metadata does not work.

Hereafter the log I got:

calibre, version 7.6.0
ERROR: No matches found: <p>Failed to find any books that match your search. Try making the search <b>less specific</b>. For example, use only the author's last name and a single distinctive word from the title.<p>To see the full log, click "Show details".

Running identify query with parameters: 
{'title': "Au Coeur De L'Antiterrorisme", 'authors': ['Marc Trévidic'], 'identifiers': {'goodreads': '10523201'}, 'timeout': 30} 
Using plugins: Babelio_db (0, 8, 3) 
The log from individual plugins is below 

****************************** Babelio_db (0, 8, 3) ****************************** 
Found 0 results 
Downloading from Babelio_db took 21.422434091567993 
-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Entry point +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
self.dgb_lvl              :  15
self.with_cover           :  True
self.with_pretty_comments :  False
self.with_detailed_rating :  False

In identify(self, log, result_queue, abort, title=.., authors=.., identifiers=.., timeout=30)

title             :  Au Coeur De L'Antiterrorisme
identifiers       :  {'goodreads': '10523201'}
authors           :  ['Marc Trévidic'] <class 'list'>
Pas de résultat avec babelio_id ou avec l'ISBN, on recherche les auteurs et le titre.

in create_query()

title       :  Au Coeur De L'Antiterrorisme
authors     :  ['Marc Trévidic']

In ret_clean_txt(self, log, text, who='')

 text         :  Marc Trévidic
 cleaned text :  marc trevidic
 return text from ret_clean_txt

In ret_clean_txt(self, log, text, who='')

 text         :  Au Coeur De L'Antiterrorisme
 cleaned text :  au coeur de l antiterrorisme
 return text from ret_clean_txt
return query from create_query :;tri=auteur&amp;item_recherche=livres&amp;pageN=1
 In ret_soup(log, dbg_lvl, br, url, rkt=none, who=''

 URL request time :  00:57:38
 br                :  <Browser (not visiting a URL)>
 url               :;tri=auteur&amp;item_recherche=livres&amp;pageN=1
 rkt               :  None
 Accessing url     :;tri=auteur&amp;item_recherche=livres&amp;pageN=1
 In urlopen_with_retry(log, dbg_lvl, br, url, rkt, who='')

 (urlopen_with_retry) HTTP Error 404: Not Found , will retry in 3 seconds...
 (urlopen_with_retry) HTTP Error 404: Not Found , will retry in 6 seconds...
 (urlopen_with_retry) HTTP Error 404: Not Found , will retry in 12 seconds...
 exception occured...
 code :  404 reason :  Not Found
Plugin Babelio_db failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "calibre_plugins.babelio_db.__init__", line 81, in urlopen_with_retry
  File "mechanize\", line 257, in open
  File "mechanize\", line 313, in _mech_open
mechanize._response.get_seek_wrapper_class.<locals>.httperror_seek_wrapper: HTTP Error 404: Not Found

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "calibre\ebooks\metadata\sources\", line 47, in run
  File "calibre_plugins.babelio_db.__init__", line 408, in identify
  File "calibre_plugins.babelio_db.__init__", line 60, in __call__
  File "calibre_plugins.babelio_db.__init__", line 127, in ret_soup
  File "calibre_plugins.babelio_db.__init__", line 99, in urlopen_with_retry
Exception: ('(urlopen_with_retry) Failed while acessing url : ', ';tri=auteur&amp;item_recherche=livres&amp;pageN=1') 

The identify phase took 21.45 seconds 
The longest time (21.422434) was taken by: Babelio_db 
Merging results from different sources 
We have 0 merged results, merging took: 0.00 seconds 

I wish your plugin would work, it would be a wonderful time saver!

lrpirlet commented 7 months ago

Haaha, let me guess: you probably got that after several books...

Please have a read at mobileread forum, thread [Metadata Source Plugin] babelio_db link : [Metadata Source Plugin] babelio_db - MobileRead Forums.

It looks to me that stopped responding so you got “404, URI not found” … Try it manually, from the same PC (from the same IP address in fact), I bet you will not be able to reach, in other words, you have been banned.

In that case, the plugin does work, refuses to work anymore.

Please close this if my answer helps, even if it is not good news.

Moi, j'obtiens ça avec pour titre: "Au Coeur De L'Antiterrorisme" de "Marc Trévidic"... et calibre est correctement rempli.

Running identify query with parameters: 
{'title': "Au Coeur De L'Antiterrorisme", 'authors': ['Marc Trévidic'], 'identifiers': {}, 'timeout': 30} 
Using plugins: Babelio_db (0, 8, 6) 
The log from individual plugins is below 

****************************** Babelio_db (0, 8, 6) ****************************** 
Found 1 results 
Downloading from Babelio_db took 3.0658016204833984 

Title               : Au coeur de l'antiterrorisme
Author(s)           : Marc Trévidic
Publisher           : J.-C. Lattès
Tags                : Essai, Droit, Terrorisme
Languages           : fr
Rating              : 2
Published           : 2011-01-08T23:00:00+00:00
Identifiers         : isbn:9782709635691, babelio_id:Trevidic-Au-coeur-de-lantiterrorisme/231124
Comments            : b'<html>\n <body>\n  <div>\n   <p>\n    R&#233;f&#233;rence:\n    <a href="">\n\n    </a>\n   </p>\n  </div>\n </body>\n</html>\n<html>\n <body>\n  <div>\n   <hr/>\n   <p style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px">\n    Popularit&#233;\n   </p>\n   <hr/>\n  </div>\n </body>\n</html>\n<html>\n <body>\n  <div>\n   <p>\n    Le nombre de cotations est\n    <strong>\n     18\n    </strong>\n    , avec une note moyenne de\n    <strong>\n     3.94\n    </strong>\n    sur 5\n   </p>\n  </div>\n </body>\n</html>\n<html>\n <body>\n  <div>\n   <hr/>\n   <p style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px">\n    R&#233;sum&#233;\n   </p>\n   <hr/>\n  </div>\n </body>\n</html>\n<html>\n <head>\n </head>\n <body>\n  La poudri&#232;re de Karachi, l&#8217;assassinat des moines de Tib&#233;hirine, l&#8217;attentat de la rue Copernic, le g&#233;nocide rwandais&#8230; Ces dossiers &#171; secret d&#233;fense &#187;, parmi les plus sensibles de la R&#233;publique, sont sur le bureau de Marc Tr&#233;vidic, sp&#233;cialiste de l&#8217;antiterrorisme au tribunal de Paris. Il est l&#8217;homme qui monte. Apr&#232;s Eva Joly ou Eric Halphen, celui que l&#8217;on surnomme le &#171; juge batailleur &#187; repr&#233;sente la nouvelle g&#233;n&#233;ration des magistrats charismatiques et frondeurs. Il est aussi le nouvel embl&#232;me de leur lutte pour l&#8217;ind&#233;pendance. Respect&#233;, encens&#233;, jalous&#233;, il instruit avec obsession des affaires qui embarrassent jusqu&#8217;au sommet de l&#8217;Etat. Pour la premi&#232;re fois, Marc Tr&#233;vidic se livre sans fard et sans langue de bois, et nous fait plonger dans l&#8217;univers m&#233;connu de l&#8217;antiterrorisme. Le jeune juge nous fait d&#233;couvrir l&#8217;envers du d&#233;cor, derri&#232;re les portes blind&#233;es de la galerie Saint-Eloy, o&#249; travaille l&#8217;&#233;quipe de magistrats les plus prot&#233;g&#233;s de France, ou dans les coulisses de ses missions &#224; l&#8217;&#233;tranger : d&#233;placements sous haute protection, interrogatoires dans les souterrains de prisons secr&#232;tes &#224; l&#8217;autre bout du monde&#8230;. Voil&#224; le r&#233;cit de l\'ascension d&#8217;un juge t&#233;m&#233;raire, au c&#339;ur de l&#8217;actualit&#233;. Ses succ&#232;s, ses d&#233;sillusions, ses espoirs, ses engagements.\n  <br/>\n </body>\n</html>' 
-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Entry point +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
self.dgb_lvl              :  15
self.with_cover           :  True
self.with_pretty_comments :  True
self.with_detailed_rating :  True
self.tag_genre            :  1
self.tag_theme            :  2
self.tag_lieu             :  0
self.tag_quand            :  0

In identify(self, log, result_queue, abort, title=.., authors=.., identifiers=.., timeout=30)

title             :  Au Coeur De L'Antiterrorisme
identifiers       :  {}
authors           :  ['Marc Trévidic'] <class 'list'>
Pas de résultat avec babelio_id ou avec l'ISBN, on recherche les auteurs et le titre.

in create_query()

title       :  Au Coeur De L'Antiterrorisme
authors     :  ['Marc Trévidic']

In ret_clean_txt(self, log, text, who='')

 text         :  Marc Trévidic
 cleaned text :  marc trevidic
 return text from ret_clean_txt

In ret_clean_txt(self, log, text, who='')

 text         :  Au Coeur De L'Antiterrorisme
 cleaned text :  au coeur de l antiterrorisme
 return text from ret_clean_txt
return url from create_query :
return rkt from create_query :  {'Recherche': 'marc trevidic au coeur de l antiterrorisme'}
 In ret_soup(log, dbg_lvl, br, url, rkt={'Recherche': 'marc trevidic au coeur de l antiterrorisme'}, who=)

 URL request time :  12:10:16
 br                :  <Browser (not visiting a URL)>
 url               :
 rkt               :  {'Recherche': 'marc trevidic au coeur de l antiterrorisme'}
 Accessing url     :
 search parameters :  {'Recherche': 'marc trevidic au coeur de l antiterrorisme'}
 formated parameters :  Recherche=marc+trevidic+au+coeur+de+l+antiterrorisme
 In urlopen_with_retry(log, dbg_lvl, br, url, rkt=b'Recherche=marc+trevidic+au+coeur+de+l+antiterrorisme', who=)

 (urlopen_with_retry) sr.getcode()  :  200
 url_vrai      :     :  Server: nginx
Date: Fri, 08 Mar 2024 11:10:17 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Connection: close
Set-Cookie: p=GB; expires=Sat, 08-Mar-2025 11:10:17 GMT; Max-Age=31536000
Set-Cookie: disclaimer=1; expires=Sat, 08-Mar-2025 11:10:17 GMT; Max-Age=31536000
Cache-Control: no-cache
Expires: Fri, 08 Mar 2024 11:10:16 GMT
Vary: Accept-Encoding
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
content-language: fr-FR
cache-control: no-cache
pragma: no-cache
expires: -1
x-ua-compatible: IE=edge

In parse_search_results(self, log, orig_title, orig_authors, soup, br)
orig_title    :  Au Coeur De L'Antiterrorisme
orig_authors  :  ['marc trevidic']

In ret_clean_txt(self, log, text, who='')

 text         :  Au coeur de l'antiterrorisme
 cleaned text :  au coeur de l antiterrorisme
 return text from ret_clean_txt

In ret_clean_txt(self, log, text, who='')

 text         :  Au Coeur De L'Antiterrorisme
 cleaned text :  au coeur de l antiterrorisme
 return text from ret_clean_txt

In ret_clean_txt(self, log, text, who='')

 text         :  Marc Trévidic
 cleaned text :  marc trevidic
 return text from ret_clean_txt

In ret_clean_txt(self, log, text, who='')

 text         :  marc trevidic
 cleaned text :  marc trevidic
 return text from ret_clean_txt
titre, ratio : Au coeur de l'antiterrorisme, 1.0,    auteur, ratio : Marc Trévidic, 1.0,  sous_url : /livres/Trevidic-Au-coeur-de-lantiterrorisme/231124
nombre de références trouvées dans babelio 1
srt_match[i] :  ('/livres/Trevidic-Au-coeur-de-lantiterrorisme/231124', 2.0)
YES, perfect match on both author and title, take only one.
nombre de matches :  1
matches at return time :
matches :  ['']
[worker 0] entry time                :  Fri Mar  8 12:10:17 2024
[worker 0] self.url                  :
[worker 0] self.relevance            :  0
[worker 0] self.plugin               :  <calibre_plugins.babelio_db.Babelio object at 0x000002D8CFEF4730>
[worker 0] self.dbg_lvl              :  15
[worker 0] self.timeout              :  20
[worker 0] self.with_cover           :  True
[worker 0] self.with_pretty_comments :  True
[worker 0] self.with_detailed_rating :  True
[worker 0] self.tag_genre            :  1
[worker 0] self.tag_theme            :  2
[worker 0] self.tag_lieu             :  0
[worker 0] self.tag_quand            :  0
submit time                :  Fri Mar  8 12:10:17 2024

[worker 0] in run(self)

[worker 0] in get_details(self)
[worker 0] in get details(), start time :  1709896217.3012896
[worker 0] calling ret_soup(log, dbg_lvl, br, url, rkt=None, who='')
[worker 0] self.url : 
[worker 0] In ret_soup(log, dbg_lvl, br, url, rkt=None, who=[worker 0])

[worker 0] URL request time :  12:10:18
[worker 0] br                :  <Browser (not visiting a URL)>
[worker 0] url               :
[worker 0] rkt               :  None
[worker 0] Accessing url     :
[worker 0] In urlopen_with_retry(log, dbg_lvl, br, url, rkt=None, who=[worker 0])

[worker 0] (urlopen_with_retry) sr.getcode()  :  200
[worker 0] url_vrai      :
[worker 0]     :  Server: nginx
Date: Fri, 08 Mar 2024 11:10:18 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Connection: close
Cache-Control: no-cache
Expires: Fri, 08 Mar 2024 11:10:17 GMT
Vary: Accept-Encoding
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
content-language: fr-FR
cache-control: no-cache
pragma: no-cache
expires: -1
x-ua-compatible: IE=edge

[worker 0] Temps après ret_soup()... :  1.3783137798309326

[worker 0] in parse_bbl_id
[worker 0] bbl_id :  Trevidic-Au-coeur-de-lantiterrorisme/231124
[worker 0] Temps après parse_bbl_id() ... :  1.3783137798309326

[worker 0] in parse_details(self, soup)
[worker 0] in parse_details(), new start :  1709896218.6796033

[worker 0] in parse_authors(self, soup)
[worker 0] return bbl_authors ['Marc Trévidic']
[worker 0] Temps après parse_authors() ... :  0.0019953250885009766

[worker 0] in parse_title_series(self, soup, bbl_authors)
[worker 0] bbl_title :  Au coeur de l'antiterrorisme - Marc Trévidic
[worker 0] name :  Marc Trévidic
[worker 0] bbl_title       :  Au coeur de l'antiterrorisme
[worker 0] Temps après parse_title_series() ... :  0.006981849670410156

[worker 0] in parse_meta(self, soup)
[worker 0] bbl_publisher processed :  J.-C. Lattès
[worker 0] bbl_isbn processed :  9782709635691
[worker 0] bbl_pubdate processed :  2011-01-09 00:00:00
[worker 0] parse_meta() returns bbl_isbn, bbl_publisher, bbl_pubdate :  9782709635691 J.-C. Lattès 2011-01-09 00:00:00
[worker 0] Temps après parse_meta() ... :  0.013963460922241211

[worker 0] in parse_rating(self, soup)
[worker 0] parse_rating() returns bbl_rating : 3.94, bbl_rating_cnt : 18
[worker 0] Temps après parse_rating() ... :  0.01595783233642578

[worker 0] in parse_tags(self, soup)
[worker 0] parse_tags() return bbl_tags ['Essai', 'Droit', 'Terrorisme']
[worker 0] Temps après parse_tags() ... :  0.019946813583374023

[worker 0] in parse_cover(self, soup)
[worker 0] parse_cover() returns bbl_cover :
[worker 0] Temps après parse_cover() ... :  0.019946813583374023

[worker 0] in parse_comments(self, soup)
[worker 0] onclick :  javascript:voir_plus_a('#d_bio',1,130033);
[worker 0] calling ret_soup(log, dbg_lvl, br, url, rkt=rkt, who=self.who
[worker 0] url :
[worker 0] rkt :  {'type': '1', 'id_obj': '130033'}
[worker 0] In ret_soup(log, dbg_lvl, br, url, rkt={'type': '1', 'id_obj': '130033'}, who=[worker 0])

[worker 0] URL request time :  12:10:19
[worker 0] br                :  <Browser visiting>
[worker 0] url               :
[worker 0] rkt               :  {'type': '1', 'id_obj': '130033'}
[worker 0] Accessing url     :
[worker 0] search parameters :  {'type': '1', 'id_obj': '130033'}
[worker 0] formated parameters :  type=1&id_obj=130033
[worker 0] In urlopen_with_retry(log, dbg_lvl, br, url, rkt=b'type=1&id_obj=130033', who=[worker 0])

[worker 0] (urlopen_with_retry) sr.getcode()  :  200
[worker 0] url_vrai      :
[worker 0]     :  Server: nginx
Date: Fri, 08 Mar 2024 11:10:20 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Connection: close
Cache-Control: no-cache
Expires: Fri, 08 Mar 2024 11:10:19 GMT
Vary: Accept-Encoding
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN

[worker 0] Temps après parse_comments() ... :  1.3005225658416748

timing of the accesses to Babelio for this book
When : Fri Mar  8 12:10:17 2024; Who : [__init__]; Where :
When : Fri Mar  8 12:10:18 2024; Who : [worker 0]; Where :
When : Fri Mar  8 12:10:19 2024; Who : [worker 0]; Where : 

The identify phase took 3.15 seconds 
The longest time (3.065802) was taken by: Babelio_db 
Merging results from different sources 
We have 1 merged results, merging took: 0.00 seconds 
sebastien-k commented 7 months ago

Thanks for your quick reply (I'll write in English even if I'm French, as the plugin is in English).

So, the plugin actually never worked for me at all. I installed it a few days ago (with the latest Calibre version), and it could never get any metadata from Babelio.

BUT I can update metadata by copy and pasting the url of the book on Babelio in the "Ids" field in the Edit metadata window, and then click on "Download Metadata". I get metadata in this case.

This means I have to search for the book manually on the Babelio website, copy and paste it in the right field, which is not convenient at all and VERY time consuming.

And obviously, I can access Babelio with my browser, and do manual search, so I guess I'm not banned.

I tried to reinstall Calibre and the plugin on another PC: same result.

So I'm out of clue. Any idea ?

Thanks again !

sebastien-k commented 7 months ago

Another log with another book:

calibre, version 7.6.0
ERROR: No matches found: <p>Failed to find any books that match your search. Try making the search <b>less specific</b>. For example, use only the author's last name and a single distinctive word from the title.<p>To see the full log, click "Show details".

Running identify query with parameters: 
{'title': 'Le Passe-Muraille', 'authors': ['Marcel Aymé'], 'identifiers': {}, 'timeout': 30} 
Using plugins: Babelio_db (0, 8, 3) 
The log from individual plugins is below 

****************************** Babelio_db (0, 8, 3) ****************************** 
Found 0 results 
Downloading from Babelio_db took 21.425118684768677 
-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Entry point +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
self.dgb_lvl              :  15
self.with_cover           :  False
self.with_pretty_comments :  False
self.with_detailed_rating :  False

In identify(self, log, result_queue, abort, title=.., authors=.., identifiers=.., timeout=30)

title             :  Le Passe-Muraille
identifiers       :  {}
authors           :  ['Marcel Aymé'] <class 'list'>
Pas de résultat avec babelio_id ou avec l'ISBN, on recherche les auteurs et le titre.

in create_query()

title       :  Le Passe-Muraille
authors     :  ['Marcel Aymé']

In ret_clean_txt(self, log, text, who='')

 text         :  Marcel Aymé
 cleaned text :  marcel ayme
 return text from ret_clean_txt

In ret_clean_txt(self, log, text, who='')

 text         :  Le Passe-Muraille
 cleaned text :  le passe muraille
 return text from ret_clean_txt
return query from create_query :;tri=auteur&amp;item_recherche=livres&amp;pageN=1
 In ret_soup(log, dbg_lvl, br, url, rkt=none, who=''

 URL request time :  15:51:21
 br                :  <Browser (not visiting a URL)>
 url               :;tri=auteur&amp;item_recherche=livres&amp;pageN=1
 rkt               :  None
 Accessing url     :;tri=auteur&amp;item_recherche=livres&amp;pageN=1
 In urlopen_with_retry(log, dbg_lvl, br, url, rkt, who='')

 (urlopen_with_retry) HTTP Error 404: Not Found , will retry in 3 seconds...
 (urlopen_with_retry) HTTP Error 404: Not Found , will retry in 6 seconds...
 (urlopen_with_retry) HTTP Error 404: Not Found , will retry in 12 seconds...
 exception occured...
 code :  404 reason :  Not Found
Plugin Babelio_db failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "calibre_plugins.babelio_db.__init__", line 81, in urlopen_with_retry
  File "mechanize\", line 257, in open
  File "mechanize\", line 313, in _mech_open
mechanize._response.get_seek_wrapper_class.<locals>.httperror_seek_wrapper: HTTP Error 404: Not Found

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "calibre\ebooks\metadata\sources\", line 47, in run
  File "calibre_plugins.babelio_db.__init__", line 408, in identify
  File "calibre_plugins.babelio_db.__init__", line 60, in __call__
  File "calibre_plugins.babelio_db.__init__", line 127, in ret_soup
  File "calibre_plugins.babelio_db.__init__", line 99, in urlopen_with_retry
Exception: ('(urlopen_with_retry) Failed while acessing url : ', ';tri=auteur&amp;item_recherche=livres&amp;pageN=1') 

The identify phase took 21.45 seconds 
The longest time (21.425119) was taken by: Babelio_db 
Merging results from different sources 
We have 0 merged results, merging took: 0.00 seconds 
sebastien-k commented 7 months ago

I can see you have:

****************************** Babelio_db (0, 8, 6) ******************************

On my side I have: ****************************** Babelio_db (0, 8, 3) ******************************

I don't know if this is relevant ...

lrpirlet commented 7 months ago

Hooho, sorry, I should have thought about that. one.... In calibre, try to fetch the latest version of the plugin, open it and read the "changelog.txt"


please go to (same ref as first but title removed so you can see where it goes). Download latest version, read this site's entry # 1 in English or in French (French is my mother language) so that you know how to install it. While you are at it, read entry # 2 that explains all the changes and why v083 was replaced and made unavailable (basically because changed the search access).

A small explanation

Please understand that github is for me THE backup solution for my flaky pc. To make a long story short, github saved my work more than once when my whole data disk went corrupt (no it was not encrypted, it seems that the disk controller hardware decided to remove a few random bits on unexpected power down). I do backup every 2 weeks but I lost several recent changes (not funny).

ok enough rambling go to, this site is very rich and it holds many different aspects of ebook reader including calibre and the many plugins...

Please close this (non anymore) issue, and open a new on on the latest version if you still have problems

Et comme on dit chez nous, cordialement.

sebastien-k commented 7 months ago

It works! I downloaded the latest version in the plugin page. This is not the one offered by default on the plugin manager within Calibre.

Merci beaucoup !

sebastien-k commented 7 months ago

Issue solved

lrpirlet commented 7 months ago

Hi sebastien-k, I want to thank you for telling me that the latest version was not the one proposed by the plugin manager... I think it is now corrected...

bref, merci, merci