lrse / sptam

S-PTAM: Stereo Parallel Tracking and Mapping
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KITTI Bag Files #44

Closed hlezki closed 4 years ago

hlezki commented 4 years ago


I can not download kitti rosbag files that you provide its link in the ( Is it possible to provide a new way to download it? Thank you.

hlezki commented 4 years ago

Hello, Can you please share kitti rosbag files again. I could not download it. I think the link is broken. I tried to use 2 different converter in order to convert synhronized Kitti images into rosbag files with the following algorithms

I created this rosbags to pulish following topics; /kitti_stereo/left/image_rect /kitti_stereo/right/image_rect /kitti_stereo/left/camera_info /kitti_stereo/right/camera_info

However, SPTAM algorithm stucked into "S-PTAM stereo node initialized". It does not continue processing. I also checked log file, it does not contain any pose information such as refined camera pose. On the other hand, for Euroc dataset i can run the code and i can reach the pose informations. So, the problem is related with the kitti bag files and/or kitti launch file. Please can you share your kitti rosbag files again, the link is broken. Thank you

taihup commented 4 years ago

the KITTI sequence is available now.

The topics looks fine. I don't see anything wrong with the topic, try to visualise them to check if they are ok, you can use rostopic echo <topic-name>

ghost commented 4 years ago

Cannot download the rosbag files for KITTI sequence 02, 03, 05, 07-10. Keep getting Forbidden error: You don't have permission to access /~pire/datasets/KITTI/bags/kitti_07.bag on this server.

taihup commented 4 years ago

@shubhendu1907 fixed it.