lrsoenksen / HAIM

This repository contains the code to replicate the data processing, modeling and reporting of our Holistic AI in Medicine (HAIM) Publication in Nature Machine Intelligence (Soenksen LR, Ma Y, Zeng C et al. 2022).
Apache License 2.0
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Patient vs Admission level aggregation #12

Open jf-11 opened 12 months ago

jf-11 commented 12 months ago

I have looked at the code that is used to generate the multimodal dataset. From my understanding all data except the CXR scans are aggregated on the level of unique admissions (based on hadm_id) but the CXR scans are aggregated on a patient level (based on subject_id), meaning that CXR scans belong to a patient and its multiple admissions but are not attributed to a specific admission.

Can you confirm if I am right with my assumption? Thank you!