Open Tzeak opened 7 years ago
it allocates to undefined, which is why I used the first solution. but I need to fix the hash, should be let x = ... - 65;
New issue with this solution - you use something called magic numbers, where charCodeAt(x) - 97 to get the answer. Try to avoid numbers like that. Define a variable that describes the number (or at least use comments to explain whats going on/what reasoning is behind this) ALternatively you could do charCodeAt(x) - 'A' -- any language that's loosely typed will allow this. If they're strictly typed, there's probably some sort of conversion auxiliary function charToInt or something.
For the hash solution, I'm inclined to say the initial solution where you pushed 0 everywhere was better. When you allocate a new Array, does it zero out the data? probably. this is only really an issue i imagine for C lol
also, charCodeAt(i) would return the ascii value of the letter. If the string were "ABC" and charCodeAt(0) == 65, would hash[65] be out of bounds
probably another C problem. how about you teach me javascript