lryanle / SMARE

Social Marketplace Automotive Risk Engine Project (sponsored by Statefarm)
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[Snyk] Upgrade zod from 3.22.4 to 3.23.7 #301

Open lryanle opened 6 months ago

lryanle commented 6 months ago

This PR was automatically created by Snyk using the credentials of a real user.


Snyk has created this PR to upgrade zod from 3.22.4 to 3.23.7.

:information_source: Keep your dependencies up-to-date. This makes it easier to fix existing vulnerabilities and to more quickly identify and fix newly disclosed vulnerabilities when they affect your project.
- The recommended version is **64 versions** ahead of your current version. - The recommended version was released on **21 days ago**.
Release notes
Package name: zod
  • 3.23.7 - 2024-05-07


  • 3.23.6 - 2024-05-03


  • 3.23.5 - 2024-04-29


  • 3.23.4 - 2024-04-23


  • 3.23.3 - 2024-04-22


  • 3.23.2 - 2024-04-22


  • 3.23.1 - 2024-04-22

    This changes the default generics back to any to prevent breakages with common packager like @ hookform/resolvers:

    <div class="highlight highlight-source-diff notranslate position-relative overflow-auto" data-snippet-clipboard-copy-content="- class ZodType<Output = unknown, Def extends ZodTypeDef = ZodTypeDef, Input = unknown> {}

    • class ZodType<Output = any, Def extends ZodTypeDef = ZodTypeDef, Input = any> {}">
      - class ZodType<Output = unknown, Def extends ZodTypeDef = ZodTypeDef, Input = unknown> {}
      + class ZodType<Output = any, Def extends ZodTypeDef = ZodTypeDef, Input = any> {}


  • 3.23.0 - 2024-04-21

    Zod 3.23 is now available. This is the final 3.x release before Zod 4.0. To try it out:

    npm install zod



    Zod can now validate ISO 8601 date strings. Thanks @ igalklebanov! #1766

    const schema = z.string().date();
    schema.parse("2022-01-01"); // OK


    Zod can now validate ISO 8601 time strings. Thanks @ igalklebanov! #1766

    const schema = z.string().time();
    schema.parse("12:00:00"); // OK

    You can specify sub-second precision using the precision option:

    const schema = z.string().time({ precision: 3 });
    schema.parse("12:00:00.123"); // OK
    schema.parse("12:00:00.123456"); // Error
    schema.parse("12:00:00"); // Error


    Zod can now validate ISO 8601 duration strings. Thanks @ mastermatt! #3265

    const schema = z.string().duration();
    schema.parse("P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S"); // OK

    Improvements to z.string().datetime()

    Thanks @ bchrobot #2522

    You can now allow unqualified (timezone-less) datetimes using the local: true flag.

    const schema = z.string().datetime({ local: true });
    schema.parse("2022-01-01T12:00:00"); // OK

    Plus, Zod now validates the day-of-month correctly to ensure no invalid dates (e.g. February 30th) pass validation. Thanks @ szamanr! #3391


    Zod can now validate base64 strings. Thanks @ StefanTerdell! #3047

    const schema = z.string().base64();
    schema.parse("SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ="); // OK

    Improved discriminated unions

    The following can now be used as discriminator keys in z.discriminatedUnion():

    const schema = z.discriminatedUnion("type", [
    z.object({ type: z.literal("A").optional(), value: z.number() }),
    z.object({ type: z.literal("B").nullable(), value: z.string() }),
    z.object({ type: z.literal("C").readonly(), value: z.boolean() }),
    z.object({ type: z.literal("D").brand<"D">(), value: z.boolean() }),
    z.object({ type: z.literal("E").catch("E"), value: z.unknown() }),


    Breaking changes

    There are no breaking changes to the public API of Zod. However some changes can impact ecosystem tools that rely on Zod internals.


    Three new types have been added to the ZodFirstPartySchemaTypes union. This may impact some codegen libraries. #3247

    + | ZodPipeline<any, any> + | ZodReadonly<any> + | ZodSymbol;

    Unrecognized keys in .pick() and .omit()

    This version fixes a bug where unknown keys were accidentally accepted in .pick() and omit(). This has been fixed, which could cause compiler errors in some user code. #3255

    name: z.string()
    notAKey: true // no longer allowed

    Bugfixes and performance

    Docs and ecosystem

    New Contributors

  • vercel[bot] commented 6 months ago

    Deployment failed with the following error:

    The value for maxDuration must be between 1 second and 60 seconds, in order to increase this limit upgrade your plan: