ls-cwi / heinz

Single species module discovery
MIT License
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An inexplicable error in running Heinz: Aborted (core dumped) #8

Open CicoZhang opened 6 years ago

CicoZhang commented 6 years ago

Recently, I was running Heinz in the cloud server (20 CPU 455 GB RAM) as a Galaxy tool. Sometimes I got the error like this (for a specific dataset):

/export/galaxy-central/database/job_working_directory/000/6/ line 9: 1041 Aborted (core dumped) /galaxy-central/tools/heinz/heinz -m 20 -n /export/galaxy-central/database/files/000/dataset_5.dat -e /export/galaxy-central/database/files/000/dataset_3.dat > /export/galaxy-central/database/files/000/dataset_6.dat 2> /dev/null

It seems that Heinz just aborts for some reasons. What's the possible cause?

At first, I suspected the insufficiency of the memory, then I increase the memory, for the same datasets, it still aborted eventually.

Do you have any advice or comments?

Thank you in advance,

Cico PS: Heinz Galaxy tool is based on the release version. image

melkebir commented 6 years ago

Could you share the dataset?

CicoZhang commented 6 years ago

@melkebir Sure, I will send you the dataset via email.

samleenz commented 4 years ago

hi, what was the solution for this?

i'm getting the same error when trying to run the snippet of code that calls heinz from the netmix example. (line 75 is replaced with a direct call to the executable however as I'm using the conda version of heinz ) aka

heinz \
    -e $data/network.tsv \
    -n $data/responsibility_scores.tsv \
    -o $results/asd_constrained_outputs.tsv \
    -m 4 -t 1800 -v 2 

which gives

// Successfully parsed 'data/responsibility_scores.tsv': contains 1000 nodes, 4975 edges and 1 component(s)

// Considering component 1/1: contains 1000 nodes
// Identified 62 dependent node pairs
// Added 62 analyze constraints
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'IloCplex::Exception'
Aborted (core dumped)

any help would be appreciated.

susheelbhanu commented 1 year ago


Any update on this? I'm getting the same error.
