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`Development`: Improve code quality of competency and learning path repositories #8875

Closed MaximilianAnzinger closed 5 days ago

MaximilianAnzinger commented 5 days ago





Utilizes functions from ArtemisJpaRepository and removes unused code

Review Progress

Performance Review

Summary by CodeRabbit

coderabbitai[bot] commented 5 days ago


The recent updates streamline error handling in the CompetencyRepository and LearningPathRepository by consolidating numerous custom query methods into unified access methods using getValueElseThrow. This refactoring improves code maintainability and readability, centralizing the handling of entity retrieval and associated exceptions.


File Change Summary Removed several custom query methods and replaced them with a generic getValueElseThrow method, simplifying the repository interface. Refactored error handling within default methods to use getValueElseThrow, enhancing code readability and maintainability.

Sequence Diagram(s)

Recent review details **Configuration used: .coderabbit.yaml** **Review profile: ASSERTIVE**
Commits Files that changed from the base of the PR and between ba49295ce8dd04b559fbdd4d6031ed22efe9742c and 40e5771740bb2082f01674472b184e75899dcfbd.
Files selected for processing (1) * src/main/java/de/tum/in/www1/artemis/repository/ (3 hunks)
Additional context used
Path-based instructions (1)
src/main/java/de/tum/in/www1/artemis/repository/ (1) Pattern `src/main/java/**/*.java`: naming:CamelCase; principles:{single_responsibility,small_methods,no_duplication}; db:{perf_queries,datetime_not_timestamp}; rest:{stateless,singleton,delegate_logic,http_only,minimal_dtos}; dtos:{java_records,no_entities,min_data,single_resp}; di:constructor_injection; kiss:simple_code; file_handling:os_indep_paths; practices:{least_access,avoid_transactions,code_reuse,static_member_ref,prefer_primitives}; sql:{param_annotation,uppercase,avoid_subqueries};java:avoid_star_imports
Additional comments not posted (5)
src/main/java/de/tum/in/www1/artemis/repository/ (5)
`74-74`: **Centralized exception handling approved.** The consistent application of `getValueElseThrow` across various methods ensures a uniform approach to error handling. Verify that it is used appropriately in all relevant scenarios.
Verification successful --- **Centralized exception handling approved.** The consistent application of `getValueElseThrow` across various methods ensures a uniform approach to error handling. The method is appropriately used in all relevant scenarios. - **Locations of `getValueElseThrow` usage:** - `` - `` - `` - `` - `` - ``
Scripts executed The following scripts were executed for the analysis: --- Script: ```shell #!/bin/bash # Description: Verify the appropriate usage of `getValueElseThrow` in all relevant scenarios. # Test: Search for the function usage. Expect: Appropriate usage across the repository. rg --type java $'getValueElseThrow' ``` Length of output: 2759
--- `26-26`: **Centralized exception handling approved.** This change enhances maintainability by centralizing error handling. Ensure that `getValueElseThrow` is implemented correctly and efficiently handles all potential exceptions.
Verification successful --- **Centralized exception handling approved.** The implementations of `getValueElseThrow` in `RepositoryImpl` correctly handle exceptions by throwing `EntityNotFoundException` when the optional value is not present. This ensures efficient and consistent error handling across the repository methods. - `getValueElseThrow(Optional optional)`: ```java @NotNull public T getValueElseThrow(Optional optional) { return optional.orElseThrow(() -> new EntityNotFoundException(entityInformation.getEntityName())); } ``` - `getValueElseThrow(Optional optional, ID id)`: ```java @NotNull public T getValueElseThrow(Optional optional, ID id) { return optional.orElseThrow(() -> new EntityNotFoundException(entityInformation.getEntityName(), String.valueOf(id))); } ``` These methods effectively centralize the exception handling logic, enhancing maintainability and readability.
Scripts executed The following scripts were executed for the analysis: --- Script: ```shell #!/bin/bash # Description: Verify the implementation of `getValueElseThrow`. # Test: Search for the function implementation. Expect: Efficient and correct handling of exceptions. rg --type java $'getValueElseThrow' ``` Length of output: 2759 --- --- Script: ```shell #!/bin/bash # Extract the implementation details of `getValueElseThrow` methods from ``. # Retrieve the methods from the file ast-grep --lang java --pattern $'public T getValueElseThrow(Optional optional) { $$$ }' src/main/java/de/tum/in/www1/artemis/repository/base/ ast-grep --lang java --pattern $'public T getValueElseThrow(Optional optional, ID id) { $$$ }' src/main/java/de/tum/in/www1/artemis/repository/base/ ``` Length of output: 340 --- --- Script: ```shell #!/bin/bash # Locate the method signatures of `getValueElseThrow` and extract the surrounding lines to reveal the full implementations. # Search for the method signature with one parameter rg --context 10 'public T getValueElseThrow\(Optional optional\)' src/main/java/de/tum/in/www1/artemis/repository/base/ # Search for the method signature with two parameters rg --context 10 'public T getValueElseThrow\(Optional optional, ID id\)' src/main/java/de/tum/in/www1/artemis/repository/base/ ``` Length of output: 1752
--- `47-47`: **Centralized exception handling approved.** Using `getValueElseThrow` consistently across different methods aids in maintainability. Verify the performance implications of this method, especially in complex queries. --- `40-40`: **Centralized exception handling approved.** Continued use of `getValueElseThrow` promotes consistency and maintainability. Verify that it handles all edge cases correctly. --- `33-33`: **Centralized exception handling approved.** Consistent use of `getValueElseThrow` across methods enhances maintainability. Ensure that this method is used correctly in all scenarios where it's applied.
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