ls1intum / Artemis

Artemis - Interactive Learning with Automated Feedback
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`Programing exercise`: Student does not see the results from the latest submission in the overview #9086

Open BaumiCoder opened 2 months ago

BaumiCoder commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug

The overview of a Programming exercise sometimes does not show the results from the latest submission. Instead it shows the result of a previous submission.

To Reproduce

  1. Create a Programming exercise
  2. Make some submissions with different results (e.g. with / without warning or different percentage of passed tests)
  3. Go to the list of exercises of your course
  4. The results on the overview is not from the latest submission (This does not appear always, see Additional context)

Expected behavior

The overview on the left-hand side always shows the results for the latest submission.


The overview on the left-hand side shows here a warning symbol, but the latest submission has no warning. But as you can see all previous submissions have a warning. It looks like the Status screenshot

Which version of Artemis are you seeing the problem on?

7.4.3 (and also older version)

What browsers are you seeing the problem on?

Other (specify in "Additional context")

Additional context

The visual impact of the bug, which the screenshot shows, appears on our productive Artemis server and was noticed by one student. The reproduction in a test environment was not successful yet, but an error in the log seems to indicate what is the problem behind it. An Query did not return a unique result error occurs which indicates that there is not deterministic which result is selected here. The problem appears with PostgreSQL, maybe this problem is also related to some difference between MySQL and PostgreSQL.

Relevant log output

full log entry with stracktrace ``` 2024-07-13T18:47:38.557+02:00 ERROR 34844 --- [Artemis] [taskScheduler-3] .w.a.s.s.ParticipantScoreScheduleService : Exception while processing participant score for exercise 7 and participant 3 for participant scores: org.springframework.dao.IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException: Query did not return a unique result: 2 results were returned at org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.HibernateJpaDialect.convertHibernateAccessException( at org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.HibernateJpaDialect.translateExceptionIfPossible( at org.springframework.orm.jpa.AbstractEntityManagerFactoryBean.translateExceptionIfPossible( at at at at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed( at$CrudMethodMetadataPopulatingMethodInterceptor.invoke( at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed( at org.springframework.aop.interceptor.ExposeInvocationInterceptor.invoke( at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed( at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke( at jdk.proxy2/jdk.proxy2.$Proxy305.findByExercise_IdAndUser_Id(Unknown Source) at at$scheduleTask$5( at at java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$ at java.base/ at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at java.base/ Caused by: org.hibernate.NonUniqueResultException: Query did not return a unique result: 2 results were returned at org.hibernate.query.spi.AbstractSelectionQuery.uniqueElement( at org.hibernate.query.spi.AbstractSelectionQuery.getSingleResult( at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DirectMethodHandleAccessor.invoke( at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at org.springframework.orm.jpa.SharedEntityManagerCreator$DeferredQueryInvocationHandler.invoke( at jdk.proxy2/jdk.proxy2.$Proxy466.getSingleResult(Unknown Source) at$SingleEntityExecution.doExecute( at at at at at at at at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed( at at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed( at org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor$1.proceedWithInvocation( at org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionAspectSupport.invokeWithinTransaction( at org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor.invoke( at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed( at ... 16 common frames omitted ```
BaumiCoder commented 4 weeks ago

The changes from #8741 may have fixed the issue. I cannot reproduce the error message in the log. We will keep it open and check if the problem occurs in the next semester again.