Pessoal, no arquivo massim-server.pdf tem a descrição dos parametros.
Ainda achei alguns deles confusos, então só para confirmar é melhor testar os que vocês tiverem dúvida (na próxima reunião precisamos saber o que cada um significa).
Se tiverem alguma dúvida vão postando aqui.
Estão nas páginas 13-14. Copiei esse texto de la:
If anything is configured to be generated, the respective manual configuration
entries are ignored.
The parameters can be explained as follows:
generate - the whole block
products - true, if products should be generated
facilities - true, if facilities should be generated
jobs - true, if jobs should be generated
agentLoc - true, if agents should be positioned randomly
mapCenterLat - latitude of one point of the reachable part of the graph (used for positioning)
mapCenterLon - longitude of one point of the reachable part of the graph (used for positioning)
products - block describing the generation of products
min - minimum number of products
max - maximum number of products
minVol - minimum volume of a product
maxVol - maximum volume of a product
assembled - probability of a product needing assembly (p ∈ [0, 1])
minReq, maxReq - bounds for numbers of required items for assembly
toolPercentage - probability of product being a tool (p ∈ N, 0 ≤ p ≤ 100)
valueMin, valueMax - bounds for the (internal) value of the product
reqAmountMin/Max - bounds for the amount per other product required for assembly
assembledValueAddMin/Max - percentage (bounds) to add to a product’s value if it is assembled
facilities - block describing the generation of facilities
quadSize - cellsize of a grid that is used for positioning (in ◦ )
chargingStations - block describing the generation of charging
density - probability of placing a charging station per quad (or number of charging stations to place if > 1)
rateMin/Max - bounds for charging rate
costMin/Max - bounds for facility cost
concurrMin/Max - bounds for charging slots
shops - block describing the generation of shops
density - same as density above
min/maxProd - bounds for number of different available products per shop
priceAddMin/Max - bounds for the percentage a shop adds to a product’s price (can vary between products of the same shop) (integer values from 0)
amountMin/Max - bounds for the starting amount a shop sells of a product
restockMin/Max - bounds for a shop’s restock interval (different between products of the same shop)
assembleAddMin/Max - bounds for the percentage to add to a product’s price if it needs assembly (integer values between 0 and 100)
dumps - block describing the generation of dump locations
density - same as density above
costMin/Max - bounds for the facility’s cost
workshops - block describing the generation of workshops
density - same as density above
costMin/Max - bounds for the facility’s cost
storages - block describing the generation of storages
density - same as density above
costMin/Max - bounds for the facility’s cost
capacityMin/Max - bounds for the storage’s capacity
jobs - block describing the generation of jobs
rate - the exponential arrival rate of jobs
auctionPerc - probability of a job being an auction (integer values between 0 and 100)
productTypesMin/Max - minimum/maximum number of different products required for a job
timeMin/Max - bounds for the time a job is active
valueMin/Max - bounds for a job’s value
rewardSub/AddMin/AddMax - how much to subtract from (max) or add (bounds) to the job’s reward
badJob - probability of a job being bad (amount is subtracted from reward)
auction - block describing the characteristics of an auction
auctionTimeMin/Max - bounds for the duration of the auction part
fineSub/Add - how the fine can be modified at most
maxRewardAdd - how much to add at most to the maximum reward (the highest value that can be bid)
Pessoal, no arquivo
tem a descrição dos parametros. Ainda achei alguns deles confusos, então só para confirmar é melhor testar os que vocês tiverem dúvida (na próxima reunião precisamos saber o que cada um significa).Se tiverem alguma dúvida vão postando aqui.
Estão nas páginas 13-14. Copiei esse texto de la: